A cb750 running a 12.6? Um, a bit aggressive? Btw, this was never about quarter mile times.
Turn back a few pages and you would see me talk about torque for acceleration, but it got quickly shot down.
Don't think the cb450 doesn't have torque. That's a mistake; a huge one to make. Don't forget that the cb450 weighs 120lbs less, either.
Team Hansen already posted the early cb450 and cb750 track times. The cb750 already lost the 0-60 battle.
Team Hanson did nothing..
I have read the whole thread and owned both bikes in question {and sh1tloads more}and now you want to school me on torque versus horse power, you are a funny guy.....If i were you i would stop assuming everyone here knows nothing about bikes, Terry gave you a good lesson on that earlier.
You need to learn to read mate....not selectively either... The Early 750 has MORE torque than the 450, quite a bit actually... And as you like to say, "don't forget" , team Hanson are or were a race team and Bob Hanson actually worked closely with Honda on the development of the 750, which is completely irrelevant anyway as they took that article you quoted from a bike magazine and didn't actually do it themselves so anyone could have ridden the bikes and we'll never know any more about it. Besides you would have never heard of Hanson until starting this thread in the first place.... A lot of hot air from someone thats never ridden an early 750, so has nothing to compare with...

The 12.6 was run in Illinois back in 69 with a stock KO 750. ask Rafter for the source..
Also by Bob Greene, Hot Rod Magazine, May 1969 quoting Honda's official numbers
their top speed figure for the four seems fully
credible at 125 mph. Their standing quarter-mile claim is just as mean at 12.6 seconds.
Thats 2 sources , one being Honda, with the same time....