What I don't get is the constant yammering by owners of new bikes that older bikes are underpowered.
The 750, in it's day, posted low 13-second/high 12-second 1/4 mile times. That will run with any modern Corvette, no slouch in the speed department.
That's fast enough to merge on the freeway
That's fast enough to keep up in traffic.
So why are older bikes considered Underpowered?
Even my little 400 will turn 14s in the quarter, which is not impressive, but still means it outruns many smaller-engined cars like Miatas and small soupes and sedans, which are currently sold now.
Are our machines underbraked? Probably. Marginal Suspensions? Arguably. But I think the power is just fine. Hell, new cruisers produce similar power levels (45-70hp) as our machines and they have WAAAY more cubes.
I saw this on another forum and it just kinda pissed me off:
Wow, I remember when the Kaw 900 first came out. It was the talk of all my friends, with its unbelieveable power and sound.
Compared to the bikes of today, its an underpowered, underbraked, undersuspended pile of crap.
But hey, it was great in the 70's.
and later when called on it:
Its just that our memories of old bikes are usually better then reality. A young guy looking at bikes from the 70's would laugh at the spindly forks, the single piston brake calipers,the 2 valve heads, the ignition points that have to be adjusted, the rear shocks that don't do much more then keep the rear fender off the tire.
I am a young guy and I for one LOVE the spindly forks, single piston brakes, two-valve heads and points ignition. I revel in the "faults" of my machine. I love the fact that my bike doesn't have a computer-designed suspension, or a body designed in a wind-tunnel. I LOVE the fact that my bike has a very narrow performance envelope that takes a lot of skill to exploit. I love the fact that when my CBR-owning neighbor took my bike for a spin around the block, he returned whiter than a sheet, and he's a filipino. Said it scared the #$%* out of him and that I had big brass ones to ride a "no-brakes, evil-handling bike". That makes my chest swell with pride.