Author Topic: CB500K turn signal gremlin  (Read 570 times)

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Offline Smoke Detector

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CB500K turn signal gremlin
« on: June 17, 2013, 07:52:05 AM »
I'm at the end of my limited electrical knowledge on this one. Resurrecting the bike so I don't know when it last worked. Wire harness is all stock, I cleaned it up at all connections before re-installing. I have 3 out of 4 turn signals working properly, but the left rear does not work.
Signal housing had been dinged by PO so I took it off and made sure the spring under the bulb was cleaned up and working properly, then touched the wires to the battery and the bulb lit, so the signal socket works. There is continuity from orange in headlight to junction under seat, and connection is clean and solid, with dialectric grease. 
Using volt scale, with positive meter lead in socket positive, and neg lead on the neg pole of battery, and turn signal switch activated, the meter jumps when signal should be lighting, that is it reads about 8-10 volts momentarily, then back to near zero, then up near 10, so that tells me it's getting power to socket at the correct time, with each 'flash' (the working socket also has about the same reading). I also have continuity from negative side of socket to neg terminal on battery, so I think it's grounded properly. Working and non-working bulbs are identical and I switch them periodically so I know I'm working with a good one.
I'm stumped. What am I overlooking?
1972 CB500K1
"Preserve nature. Always wear a helmet. Think safety."

Offline wowbagger

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Re: CB500K turn signal gremlin
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2013, 08:14:53 AM »
Try swapping the lams and see if the issue follows it?

Offline Smoke Detector

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Re: CB500K turn signal gremlin
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2013, 07:24:03 PM »
Solved. I swapped the blue and orange leads under the seat and the problem signal still didn't light, so i knew problem was the signal, even though I tested it previously and it was getting power. The negative wire was almost broken where it connects to the mount (age and my clumsy install I assume) so no circuit. Thanks for the suggestion, solution was easy once I took 24 hrs off and stopped beating my head against the wall.
1972 CB500K1
"Preserve nature. Always wear a helmet. Think safety."