I also have a build thread going but thought I'd post this here where more eyes can get on it. I had chain damage in the sprocket area of the engine cases on a motor I was rebuilding-

So, I sent the case off to the welder to be repaired-

Now the crack is no longer an issue, but unfortunately things got a little out of hand during the welding process and the mating surfaces were somewhat compromised-

At worst, the mating surface on the lower half was ground down .020". So now I'm wondering what the wise members of this board think I can get away with. This was done by a professional welder for free at a close family members shop, so complaining to the welder and demanding compensation for the flaw is not one of my options. Additionally, I think they did their best and the metal just wouldn't cooperate.
I'm considering-
Carefully using RTV at the point of the gap (I've lost an engine to an oil jet clog so I'm aware of the dangers).
Putting down some jb weld and placing the other case half on it with a piece of saran wrap between them to create a flat surface.. then just bonding the cases as per usual after the JB weld has long since fully cured.
Getting different used cases and hoping they are an improvement. Also, this is mid-engine build so a lot of the parts that were in this motor and worn with these cases have been prepped/cleaned/renewed/spec'd, so different used cases would be a serious p.i.t.a. at this stage.