"saved my life by erring on the safe side"
Yeah. I was near my computer so I googled "chest pain" and the first article said: "there are mainly 4 reasons for chest pain, all of which require immediate medical attention".
I didn't read any further. Hence the call to 911
Regardless of the tests, pain rules.
Years ago I also felt chest pain and went to the ER just in case. Over here people complain about waiting 3 hours at the ER. I was dealt with at the spot. That's when I understood some patients need inmediate attention. Your broken leg may hurt like hell, but you are not going to die in the ER for a broken bone!
In my case it was different. I experienced the pains -I would call them "discomfort"-, a strong discomfort but not a pain as you feel when you are hit. They would last three or four minutes and would be gone for a couple days. The first time it happens you get a little anxious, but as it disappears quickly you don't give it more importance. After it has happened a few times is when you start to think there is something wrong and the next time it may last longer...
And going to the ER, in my case, was pointless, because when I got there the pain would have been gone!
Over here you just don't go to the cardiologist. You go to the family doctor who deals with the "common" things such as flu's, colds, skin rash, allergies etc. If he/she thinks that what you have needs specialized attention he will send you to the specialist -remember, socialized medicine-. Doctors are encouraged not to divert to specialists just to please the patient because there are long waiting times, so many times it is on their judgement whether you should visit the specialist or what you have is of no importance. That's what I mean that "my family doctor saved my life". Had it not sent me to the cardiologist I would have thought I had nothing heart-related, and one day I would have had to go to the ER and God knows whether I would have made it in time....
MC, has the experience served to make you look at things differently? Has you changed something about your life?