Yeah, I saw guys trying this out on a 350 Chevy a few years back on youtube. Great idea but the technology wasn't there yet.
The tech is there alright but it's no where near cost effective for production use. It's the reason F1 engines can buzz to 18k+ rpm but it has a big price tag. Doesn't surprise me that Koenegsegg would take a swing at it because most/all their clients are billionaires who've got nothing better to spend their $ on.
no one has yet made this idea work , all the major manufacturers have tried and so far all have failed . f1 engines do not use this technology [ in fact the rules prohibit it ] they rev to 18 thousand by using pneumatic valve springs the same as the motogp bikes
You mean they havent succeded to produce a serial manifactured car ? Cause in the movie they state that they driven it during 2,5 years, 60 000 Km..
no i mean no one has made it work , they didnt tell you how many times it had failed in 2.5 years and 60,000 km . i believe the actuators have a very short life , it is definitely the future though all the major manufacturers are working on it . as well as the benefits stated in the video once perfected it will make engine manufacture alot cheaper as well .
the nissan 370 does use an inlet cam the vvel system uses a servo motor to alter the cam timing