One little chink in the armor to day. I got the bill from the artist. You guys saw the inspired art work. here is the proof they sent me along with a bill for $238!!! Just being professional, but the guy put his "water mark" on it. But I think she looks like she drank too much last night and has a pile of make up on to cover her two black eyes from the door knobs

Here is the text for the letter I sent them:
I wish I had the same response from my crew. After listening to an entire day of "if you put that on your bike you will be sorry" I regret to inform you that we will be scraping this graphic project as a whole. I am sure the artwork can be used in another application so you will have no problems recouping costs incurred. I can not begin to tell you how it bugs me that we will not be going to show with a pin up on the bike, sort of kills the whole theme.
To say the least I was suprised when you sent the billing. At this point we have about $350 in the bike. There is no way we will spend almost that for one graphic. You had told me that the artist fee was $75 starting but gave no top end or expected. And you did not tell me of the $100 just to vector the image. You did say that it was $20 to print. I am also a graphic artist and I work in Adobe Illustrator CS normally, so I do know the labor time for a graphic. WWII pin ups are just not my forte. In the future I guess they will have to be. I am sure this lack of information was just an oversight. I do it all the time.
Sorry for wasting your time. You guys have been completely professional and prompt during the whole process. I think this was condemned from the start with such a short completion time. I will refer people to you in the future for your services.
Thomas Neubauer
Anubis Cycle LLC
ALSO A SAFETY NOTICE:::: Please guys make sure that right rear bearing is good. She will lock up solid and spin on the axle and never make a sound. We have to change out one of them before this is complete. They are about $35. Small price for safety. We have found 6 wheels in house like this! A common occurence? I think so.
What Im curious about is what is being done to the engine - or is the same old engine being used in a shiny looking bike? Upgraded suspension? Or is this a cosmetic "build off" only?
BTW: I figured you missed the build notes in the begining. Not a biggie. Good question though.