Found something today.
Pulled the clutch out, this time pulled the clutch basket out. Couldn't see/feel any ridges or steps caused by the clutch discs, but some sticky sludge was present. I solvent tanked the basket, and cleaned the discs and plates on the clutch. I re-oiled everything really well with 10/40 bike oil and put it in. With it all the way in I noticed the clutch pack had no free play when pushed all the way in. The four pedestals were not able to move a bit, which told me the clutch discs would not fully release. Hmmm. Pulled it back out and started looking at it. I could see the clutch basket was rubbing slightly on the aluminum clutch assembly. I started thinking "Man, there should be a washer or shim behind this to hold it away from the clutch basket, that would give me space. I went over to the parts bike, pulled it apart and found there is in fact a spacer that should have been there
Seriously? I've only had this bike a couple weeks, so whoever rebuilt the powerplant forgot a piece. Dang it.
So with everything cleaned up really well, lubed up with fresh oil and reassembled with the spacer in there, I try it out again.
Still creeps a bit. Not as much, but there is still enough tension that I can't shift the bike to neutral with my foot when idling in 1st. I can with my arm if I pull hard. But it does shift a LOT better when riding it around. So at least there is some improvemnt there.
Wonder if the clutch disks are burnt or something (from constantly dragging), making them a bit sticky/draggy. Will order a new set of discs and see what that does.