I've had this bike for a long time and work has kept me away from this project, now im back at it and having the same old charging issues that have plagued this poor bike since I bought it several years ago.
I've done a fair amount of research and performed the following tests for the rotor/stator:
RESISTANCE: (Unplugged the rotor and stator and measured the lead resistance)
Rotor: 8 Ohms between white and black leads. (seems a bit high from the ~4 Ohms i've read it should be)
Stator: 0.7 Ohms per yellow wire pair, no shorts to ground.
VOLTAGE: Bike running at around 3000 RPM
Rotor: DC voltage on leads ~ 12V
Stator: AC voltage ~ 12VAC between any yellow wire pair, ~9VAC between yellow wire and ground.
It seems like the AC voltage is very low. From what I've read on the forums, it should be somewhere in the 50VAC range. Is this correct?
I am still getting around 12.4 volts on the battery, independent of the RPM. If I unplug the headlamp though, I get a proper ramp up to 14V on the battery as I go from 0 to 3000RPM.
Any ideas of what the problem could be?
Thanks in advance.