ive finally got my 73 cb500 back to life ive owned it for awhile an never even got to ride it till now things ive done rebuilt carbs, new fuel line, changed oil (20 50), new ngk plugs stock,new clutch cable,new throttle cables, cleaned out gas tank of rust, checked valves,checked timing chain, now when it comes to the ignition I haven't done anything 2-3 plugs seem to be black an wet, bike runs great but does have a slight flat spot until higher rpms 1 and 4 pipes are golden 2 and 3 are blue ( this could have been from where I forced it to stay running the first time I ever fired it off with horribly dirty carbs?? ive finally rode it 11 miles just don't want to get broke down and want to make sure everything is charging and the ignition is correct I have not yet sync the carbs only done a bynch set with a drill bit and got them close