Due to some float level/overflowing problems with the pd41a's on my 77 I cleaned a set of 78 pd48b bodies and swapped internals from the pd41's. Float levels set to spec, no overflowing now. After getting the carbs back on I could only start it up with the choke off, knob in the down position. At anything over half choke it would sputter and die.
120 mains,
42 slows
mixture screw set 1 1/4 out from seated
Needle clip in the middle, which should be one richer than stock
Stock airbox with a clean filter
Accelerator pump working strong
Baffled 4-1 header
Common sence says I'm rich at idle with it dying at half to full choke, so I went mixture screw 1 turn out this morning and then 3/4 with a bit of improvement. I have not yet checked if the fast idle cam is set properly.
With the pd41's it would fire up with full choke and sit around 2500-3000 rpm like the manual says, I had all the same jeting etc but with mixture screws at 1 3/4 at the max.
Compression is good, 140 cold across the board and last time I checked it hot it was 150 on all 4. Points set, timed with a light, advance dead on, new plugs, plug wires and boots. I've been chasing a lean condition with plugs 1 & 2, 3 & 4 look fine, but the lean plugs didn't change after I went for a ride staying in the 1/4 throttle range on the way home. Other than it needing a proper sync it ran fine, pulls hard through the range, no stumbling under load. Highway ride was nice, lots of power over 3/4 throttle with no popping on decel.
Any opinions? I might put the 40 slows back in if checking the fast idle cam and a proper sync don't solve the choke issue.