Author Topic: Good bye for now, from 74cb750.....  (Read 1391 times)

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Offline 74cb750

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Good bye for now, from 74cb750.....
« on: June 13, 2013, 08:59:41 AM »
Dear Exalted Members of MENSA,
     AKA, SOHC/4 geniuses;
   Riders of the Purple Sage,
   debate partners,
        FRIENDS (virtual and Real),
   Holders of Incorrect Opinions (H.I.O.'s) (those whom disagree wiht me),
   not the Dutch,
   Non-Humanoid Intelligent Entitie(s) known to us in the know as NHIE's,
      not to be confused with HIO's,
   etc.etc etc. AL;

It is with a heavy heart that I will be taking a break
 this and all other internet forums until OCT. 1, 2013,
at a minimum.

Recent events forced me to reevaluate my priorities Re:personal time management .

My priorities in life have always been in this order:
2-soccer (futball to those in the Know)
3-God/Yahweh/the Great Navigator (I'm being serious, look it up),
   and ultimately, hopefully a True Path towards Self-actualization.
4-motorcycles: people, places, trips, BullSh$ting about mc's, meeting new friends on mc's
   ( a few H-D riders have become my friends even though I usually start the
    conversation with snide remarks like, "That's a nice Honda Shawdow" :-)  )
5-everything else

Recent traumatizing events have impressed upon me the short time we
are granted on this planet to affect change in our and others' lives. I have
decided to cut myself off from all television, internet (except to raise $ for food, charity
and motorcycle repairs,  etc etc)
for a period of approximately 3 months to rethink my situation.

WHY? well.....

This past week has been very traumatic for me.
-I am suffering a relapse of a personal ongoing medical condition that has me sleeping 2-4 hrs./night,
and as you all here know , the Drugs in USA thread expands on this subject.
- I stopped an assault through my training in martial arts as a student and
eventual Entrap Instructor (AI).
The main thing I absorbed after years of immersion in the Art of Self-defense;
is :
Avoid Confrontation if at all possible. The ones whom walk away from a violent situation,
are the ones whom live to talk about it. It is easy to repair your ego, but more difficult
to fix a broken arm, leg etc etc.

-Stop the aggressor Before he can damage you or those under your care via any means possible
Before he/she is within stricking distance,
 by WHATEVER method you find at hand.

This shook me up more than I am usually willing to acknowledge to anyone,
including myself. Strange, non? but not really as you all know of my
abhorrence of violence in any form. I believe this may be an inherited trait
as I had 3 uncles whom were Catholic missionaries, 2 aunts whom worked
with the poor in foreign countries doing menial tasks and invariably raising to
positions of power in the Catholic faith, and many if not most of my directing
relatives are artistic or practice an adherence to nonviolence as a core belief.

-Later in the same week:
We had a great family gathering to celebrate the graduation of my 1st born son.
It was a happy, carefree time, and most celebrants left laughing or with at a minimum
a smile on their faces.
I, on the other hand was not blessed with this condition as my older brother,
whom left home to join a Catholic monetary when I was aged 5
(and I was moved to the USA),
were estraged from each other for the 30 years after he left the priesthood
because of MY reminded adherence to my faith and my intolerance of his choice of partner.
We have reestablished a relationship,
though not real close,
At least understand this: "Blood is thicker than water."

As he was starting his car, backed up to turn down driveway, he called me over
and asked me to pray for him as he was just informed he must enter chemotherapy
ASAP. What???? Then he drove off. What the hell was that all about?,
I asked myself.

I was informed by his partner on Monday/Tuesday?
(the days have blended together lately for me)
that the first session of chemotherapy did not go well and
he was having an adverse reaction to the drugs administered,
IE, this may be the last time I see him breathing.....

I canceled all my soccer games and rushed to Montréal, Quebec, Canada; a 4 + hour drive for me,
to be by his side and remain here until Thursday night/Friday morning.
He was stabilized and sent home. He will die, but hopefully not too soon,
as really we all are here for a set time then turn into dust, Non?

This hurts, really hurts.

I have been blessed With a loving family at my side  and I know things
will go the way they will, as God/Allah/Yahweh/The One has commanded. All I can do is roll
with the punches.

Spread peace where ever and whenever you can,
it may be your last day and you should go out with a smile, non?

He MAY be back after October 1st. We'll see how he behaves...
Written on a 15 year old pc north of Montréal, Quebec, GWN (great white north)
 with a stupid Damn slow dial up connection and
forwarded to via ME, the WIFE,
which I hear Michel has never uttered/written a disparaging word about me.
Michel is telling the truth, right?
Lisa Laliberte.
PS, lately Michel spent more time on the internet than with real, live, THERE people
and it has to change. Sorry, guys.  8)

Laugh at least once a day.
Life  $ucks, then you die.
You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.
God forces us to live with  non-believers to test our resolve.

Offline flybox1

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Re: Good bye for now, from 74cb750.....
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2013, 10:11:30 AM »
Be with your family, but dont forget YOU.
Be strong and good luck.
we will be here...
'78 750K (F3 engine) PD42b's, Modified airbox w/K&N  filter, 40/110 jets, 1 needle shim, IMS@ 1 turn out. Kerker + Cone 18" QuietCore

Past Bikes
1974 550K0 (stock), 1973 CB350F (stock), 1983 Yamaha XS400K (POS)
77/78 cool 2 member #3
"Knowledge without mileage equals bullsh!t" - Henry Rollins

"This is my CB. There are many like it, but this one is mine…"

Offline Duke McDukiedook

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Re: Good bye for now, from 74cb750.....
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2013, 10:29:33 AM »
Sorry to hear about that Michel.
I hope he recovers and beats it.
And I hope that you recover from the assault.

Godspeed on your journey and we hope to hear from you soon.
"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

"It's Baltimore, gentlemen. The gods will not save you." Ervin Burrell

CB750 K3 crat | (2) 1986 VFR750F

Offline Bailgang

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Re: Good bye for now, from 74cb750.....
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2013, 04:03:34 PM »
+1 to Dukie and flybox, in the meantime don't be shy about dropping by from time to time just to let us know all is well.

71 cb350 twin
77 cb750 F2
83 gl1100 Interstate

Offline demon78

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Re: Good bye for now, from 74cb750.....
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2013, 05:03:54 PM »
Take er easy enjoy La Belle Provence and if you're close make a pilgrimage to Schwartz's.
Bill the demon.

Offline Johnie

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Re: Good bye for now, from 74cb750.....
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2013, 06:12:58 PM »
God be with you and your brother through this difficult time.  Take care and be with family. You know where to find us...we will of course leave the light on for you!
1970 CB750K0 - Candy Ruby Red
1973 CB750K3 - Candy Bacchus Olive or Sunflake Orange
1970 Chevy Chevelle SS396 - Cortez Silver
1976 GL1000 Sulphur Yellow

Oshkosh, WI  USA

Offline dave500

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Re: Good bye for now, from 74cb750.....
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2013, 04:14:40 AM »
yeah take care man,,hey hang on,word on the street is you popped in today!so your back already,,welcome back man!!or is that lisa checking up on you?
« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 04:16:14 AM by dave500 »

Offline Raul CB750K1

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Re: Good bye for now, from 74cb750.....
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2013, 12:17:32 AM »
Take care and enjoy this time outside the www! We will be here -hopefully-  :)

Offline 754

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Re: Good bye for now, from 74cb750.....
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2013, 08:43:32 AM »
Oh. Man.. Do what you got to do.. Enjoy the time with those that matter while you can.. Stuff as much living as you can, or even even more..into your suitcase of life, even if it makes it hard to close..

 Hopefully you can find your way back here..someday....cuz..
 You can check out anytime You like....but you can never leave..
« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 08:46:12 AM by 754 »
Maker of the WELDLESS 750 Frame Kit
Kelowna B.C.       Canada

My next bike will be a ..ANFOB.....

It's All part of the ADVENTURE...

73 836cc.. Green, had it for 3 decades!!
Lost quite a few CB 750's along the way

Offline bill440cars

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Re: Good bye for now, from 74cb750.....
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2013, 09:15:47 AM »
Re: Good bye for now, from 74cb750.....

Wow, I just had a feeling that I needed to check in here and Now I know why.
Michel,  Brother, you have always been there for me and I Pray that things will turn
Around for your brother and certainly for you You take ALL the time you need and
ALWAYS KNOW that We are here for You, in any way possible. God Bless You and
Your family..
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
"Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow"                  
 You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, Just Takes A Little Bit Longer & A Lot More Patience!! 
Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
                  Dakota LE 4x4 '66 CB77 & '72 SL350K2
Watch What You Step Into, It Could  End Up A Mess!

Offline BobbyR

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Re: Good bye for now, from 74cb750.....
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2013, 04:08:50 PM »
Michel, go do what you have to do on all those fronts. If you work at it too hard it does not work, just let it come to you so you will recognize it.
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?

Offline Stev-o

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Re: Good bye for now, from 74cb750.....
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2013, 07:29:20 PM »
Well wishes for you and your brother.

What? We are not real, Lisa??
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline rb550four

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Re: Good bye for now, from 74cb750.....
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2013, 07:44:07 PM »
I'm sorry to hear that life is giving you hard some blows.
 We can opt to be harder, take what it dishes out without feeling and go on about our lives. This is hard to recover from and the support network ( those who love you ) will not understand your sudden callousness , and you will find these things that you want to stow away will continue to eat  you alive  even more as you push away those who care. It is possible to survive this way, but you will hate the person that you become, and so will everyone else.
  I think what you are doing may be right for you. Clearing away the bull$hit and examining what is real , what is meaningful , finding a way to deal with life's unpleasant and trying times  , while keeping your support network close without distraction from outside sources. Bravo man!
  We should all have the insight to self examine our lives and find a better way to deal before " F"ing everything up. Bravo.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2013, 07:46:16 PM by rb550four »
A few Honda 500's, a few Honda 550's, a few Honda 650's, '72 cb 450, a couple 500/550/650 hybrids, and 2001 750. 
  550 Snowbike -Somebody had to do it.,101678.0.html    ,137317.msg1550907.html#msg1550907

Offline kghost

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Re: Good bye for now, from 74cb750.....
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2013, 08:22:32 PM »
Sorry to hear about your brother. I was estranged from mine for a number of years. His drug and alcohol addiction made it difficult to be part of his life.

My partner also had adverse reactions to her chemotherapy. It's was a difficult time and I too took a break from here and the Internet.

Prayers go out for you and your brother. All the best.
Stranger in a strange land

Offline azuredesign

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Re: Good bye for now, from 74cb750.....
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2013, 06:43:23 PM »
Sorry to hear your news! Everybody gets a dose of the harsh side of reality periodically, and I am sorry you are going through a bad spell now. I will look forward to seeing your posts again in the fall. Best wishes for you bro and your relationship with him.