As I mentioned, I have a K6 frame with a K4 engine and a F1 tank. When I raked the front, it brought the top of the triple back at least an inch, so the tank needed to be moved toward the rear to keep the triple from hitting it. I thought my biggest problem was going to be the petcock hitting the #1 carb, but somewhere in the process I noticed that these tanks have a recess on the bottom that allows the #1 and #4 carb stems to move all the way to WOT without hitting the tank. Well, when you move the tank back, that recess is in the wrong place. What to do...
I didn't want to start cutting up the bottom of the tank (don't have the skills for that yet). So I opted to raise the tank just a bit to get the necessary clearance. Hopefully it is enough. I'm not really sure since I haven't reassembled the carbs completely yet. Worst case the carb stem makes contact with the bottom of the tank just before WOT. I don't expect to spend too much time at WOT on this bike so not too concerned at this point.
These pics are a little blurry, but ....
Here is what I mean about the carb clearance. Notice the recess just aft of where the #4 carb stem is. This pic is taken from the right rear of the bike looking forward and up under the tank.

Here is the new front mounting stem position. Moved it back and up a little less than 2":

Did the same with the rear tank bracket. There will be no battery box on this build, so I used the battery box bolt holes for the new bracket mount. No welding required! The original bracket that held the rubber mount was just spot welded on and I was able to pop it off and reuse it without damaging it. You can see the original spot welds in this pic.