My bike's been parked for about 2-3 weeks now, ran when I parked it, rain season has started here and about 10 days ago the got some heavy rain for about 2-3 hours, I wasn't at home so that happened for a few days more.
I tried firing up the bike when I got back home and had no luck. The next day I tried starting it again and nothing, tried both electric and kick.
Today with a fresh battery, I gave it a go and nothing, checked for spark, and that's good on all 4, spark plugs are clean almost new, drained the bowls, and gas looked kind of orange reddish, almost like bourbon, opened the petcock gave it a go and nothing. So I really have no idea what's going on. I'm thinking that either water got in the gas tank or the gas in it is bad, because it doesn't have the normal gas smell, it smells more like foul oil.