Perhaps this is getting lost in the translation. More than likely I have not been as descriptive about the problem as I could have.
My leaning toward this being a tuning problem is because increasing the main jet size has helped this problem significantly. However I feel that I am at the point of diminishing returns where jetting richer is going to start fouling plugs (just my impression at this point, yes, I will try 132.5's). Truth be told if need be, I could probably ride around all day (on 91 octane gas) without a single ping. I would have to carefully adjust my riding technique as to be mindful of NOT over-throttling during periods of low engine rpm. I DO NOT want to do that because if the problem is now merely annoying, under severe conditions it will be destructive. Murphy's law is manifest.
Again, perhaps I have not articulated well. I am close to a solution. My focus on ignition systems was to initially see if anyone knew of a "black box" solution. In an early post I described how I had a 1st generation Power Commander on a Harley that allowed the user to plot their own spark map on an X-Y grid (solved my problem perfectly). In this case my "dream device" would eliminate the stock advance mechanism that I am now using. This small "spark computer of my dreams" would allow me to plot on X, engine rpm and Y, vacuum pressure.
In an earlier post, Cqyqte described in excellent detail how he was able to eliminate what sounds like a remarkably similar problem using a VOES in concert with a Power Arc ignition. Point being that perhaps there are solutions that DO NOT require going to the airport to fill up every couple of days on $6/gal avgas OR taking a smooth running, quiet, non oil leaking engine apart. Discuss, please.