Many bikes can always be a problem, but there is no such thing as too many bikes... so no problem, right?
I have found that if she's complaining about 7 you need to get 7 more, she will come to understand that you can't help it and all the #$%*in' in the world won't change it. As far as addictions go it's not as expensive as Gambling,coke, decent weed, high priced hookers, or some serious drinking.
As for not getting enough attention: There's football ,soccer,basketball, hockey,baseball, tennis , all kinds of car ,truck and bike races.
As for dangerous: there is sky diving, mountain climbing, bungee jumping , ultra lights and fight club.
WHAT WOULD THIS WOMAN HAVE YOU DO? She knows you're in the garage not robbing liquor stores, picking up strange women, out in the bar all night, wrecked on the highway , or anything else that would be considered worrysome.
I think the real issue here has nothing to do with motorcycles, she wants something else from you, you are going to have to ask her what it is that you can do for her to make her happy , and at some point she will ask the same to you(reciprocate) and you'll know what to tell her.I think that this problem is solved.