The carbs were fully disassembled again and ultrasonically cleaned, and I went at the idle jets with a guitar string. I've tried adjusting the air & stop screws with both .875 turns out and 1.5 turns out as starting points (both found online, don't see a specification in the shop manual). Honda gasket kits installed - one extra o-ring per carb (the kit fits other models as well and I think it was extra -- at least as I got the bike, there was no corresponding o-ring when I first disassembled them. )
Bike starts easy, quick touch of the starter and some throttle. Once warmed up around the neighborhood, at best I can get the bike to hang at 3 or 4k before it drops right down to below 1k or so and stalls. Could this be weak spark? As I said earlier it was getting no spark at all until I adjusted the points. Everything else about the bike seems perfect, there are no flat spots, no hesitation, no smoke..