« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2013, 12:53:30 PM »
Hey guys so when I went to rebuild my carbs I accidentally broke of one of the arms that hold the float in place so I went searching for a new replacement carb. I finnaly found a guy who was advertising the right one. But it turns out after closer look the one i bought has a different layout. It channel that goes to the main jets are swapped. the carb of the left is the stock carb that I broke. Will this be a problem or not?

He wasn't advertising right, if it is all flipped it is for the other side of the bike you broke the float post from. It won't have the drilled passage for the fuel tee where it needs it

The dirty girl-1976 cb750k, Ebay 836, Tracy bodykit
Round top carbs w/ 38 pilots, middle needle position, airscrew 7/8ths out, 122 main jet
Stock airbox w/ drop in K&N, Hooker 4-1
Don't trust me alone with a claw hammer and some pliers