nick, with so much experience you must have had your share of close calls - have you ever been in a serious accident?
Four accidents, all within the first two years of starting to ride, all totally avoidable:
1) Pillion on the back of a brand new BSA Lightning (showing my age a bit, aren't I?). Went down the pub. We both had a few beers. On the way home the road zigged but we zagged. Ended up in the ditch. We were fine. The bike had very minor cosmetic damage.
2) Filtering to the front of a line of stopped cars waiting to go around a roundabout. Unbeknownst to me there is a gap in the lineup and a car has been waved through, into my path. I hit him at about 20mph, beside his windshield pillar. Over the bars I went (20 to 0 in 0 feet will do that) and head butted the pillar with enough force to break the windshield. Helmets were not compulsory in the UK at that time, but I always wore one because I didn't like my teenage locks to be messed up on the ride to work. I'd have been a dead man if I had been helmet-less. Bent forks and cosmetic damage, to both the bike and me. That helmet went into the trash after that, and I've worn a full face ever since.
3) Out for a joy ride on a friends bike (bad mistake) whilst waiting for my bike, being repaired from accident #2. Came up behind a gal over to the right of the lane, approaching a right side turn. Assumed she was turning right so started to pass on the left, at which point she turned left to go into her driveway on the left. I glanced off her front fender and flew through the air (with the greatest of ease?). Cosmetic damage only and another hit to my insurance.
4) Riding to a friends house on newly wet road I lowsided at about 35mph. Slid along the road wondering if the car coming towards me was going to stop before he ran over me or the bike. Mainly cosmetic damage to the bike and gravel rash to me.
Near misses: forgot to shoulder check to the left whilst changing from the right to the left lane of a dual lane road. Was saved by the horn of the eighteen wheeler which was completely hidden in my blind spot. Sphincter pucker factor of 9.9.
Less than 50 metres from home a Ford Ranger turned left in front of me. I did the instinctive 'push left - go left' thing and just missed his rear. When I stopped to look at him he had carried on as if he hadn't seen me. Sphincter pucker factor of 9.7.
Usually I ride very defensively, meaning I try and see as far ahead as I can. I also ride totally within the capabilities of me and the bike. If I'm doing an endurance ride I make sure I get plenty of sleep
BOF, aren't I?