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Re: Masters Degree
« Reply #25 on: July 28, 2013, 02:49:00 PM »
High school grad here doing great in my chosen career, never been out of work and never wanted for anything. My sister in-law and her husband both are college grads, they've been unemployed for 4 years now and our tax dollars support them.  There's your higher education at work. All it taught them was that the government was on their side....
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Re: Masters Degree
« Reply #26 on: July 28, 2013, 03:45:37 PM »
I would probably argue that there are more without a high school degree that are milking the unemployment.  It is a shame that we are taught you have to go to college to excel in life, obviously you don't.  I wish we could have a two tract system in our public schools, those who are more mechanical or technical and those who want to pursue other things. 

Offline Viktor.J

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Re: Masters Degree
« Reply #27 on: July 29, 2013, 09:24:02 AM »
Hey hey, take it easy on us stupid but educated people :)

I have a Master myself in Mechanical engineering/ energy systems.
One thought is maybe she ment the literature you use while studying your master years ? beacuse at least in Sweden most of them books can't be found in the schools library, not to talk about the city library.... Many of these books are the kind of books that you never ever even knew existed beafore you heard of them....just a thought.

Otherwise It's the same problem worldwide. I hade this discussion on this summers holiday trip in Croatia where I met a couple from NY, Rio de janeiro, Hong kong and then me and my girl from Sweden. It's a common sign when the economy goes bad, that many many people goes to study. and some of them end up on a education that the government had to force out due to increasing pupils.
In the discussion to study or not, for me there's a simple answer (obviously) and every time when I visit my hometown (low educated area) many old friends and knowabouts comes to me and tell me "man I wish I studied instead". With that beeing said I do understand that some people shose not to study, and I totaly respect that.

But people who complain about engineers and doctors and what not being useless and overrated are just plain stupid. Try do a surgery on your own family, or why not bouild your own car or mobile, and while you'r at it make your own electricity :)
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Re: Masters Degree
« Reply #28 on: July 29, 2013, 09:33:19 AM »
I have two master degrees myself, my comment was in a sense that only education is not enough.

In the die making factory I learned at least as much as in my Mechanical Engineering masters program - from guys with just industrial education or what would you call it in English.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 09:36:41 AM by 70CB750 »
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Re: Masters Degree
« Reply #29 on: July 29, 2013, 10:30:42 AM »
Just so my point is understood,
I wasn't a great student until I outgrew my undiagnosed ADD a little and spent a few years working in a factory. I got a Plumbers apprenticeship at 26 and all of a sudden I got straight A's in trade school. They didn't compare scores then but I assume I was near the top of my class. I started out cleaning drains and retired a licensed plumber, stick, mig and tig welder/ fitter and certified medical gas systems installer. The last job I managed was a 2.6 million dollar Geo Thermal HVAC retrofit in a high school done over summer vacation. So I do have great respect for an education.
 Her book search just caught me as funny, especially after all of her whining about books and studying on her facebook.
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Offline Viktor.J

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Re: Masters Degree
« Reply #30 on: July 29, 2013, 12:01:23 PM »
I hear ya, nothing is more anoying then the idiots roaming around at facebook looking for "friends" to pad them on the back over their ACCIEVMENT, when they in fact do the same things as I did when I was 17-19. It's like asking for a golden star beacuse you managed to wake up in the morning... :)
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