Author Topic: 78 750f - Drive Gears, how many teeth?  (Read 2936 times)

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Offline dboblet

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Re: 78 750f - Drive Gears, how many teeth?
« Reply #25 on: June 26, 2008, 03:15:20 PM »
OK, I done did it.  After procrastinating and indicision (530 or 630 chain) and (what gear ratio and gears to buy), I placed the order today.  I'm going with 18/48 tooth gears and 530 non-o-ring chain with a master clip.  I'm tenatious about chain maintenance and will be cleaning and servicing the chain weekly (means every 150 miles or so for commuting and about double that if I play a bit) so I'm not worried about the o-rings.

Here are a couple new questions though:
1. does the 78 cb750f ss have an automatic oiler like the older bikes (not that I'm saying a 30 year old bike is a newer bike you understand)??
2.  Is there a recomendation for grease (my nameless friend says just soak it in 90 gear oil after cleaning).  I'd prefer to stay away from some of the spray lubes I've seen, mostly designed for o-ringed chains.
3. Can I clean and use my old 630 chain mad-max style like some of the beaded harley a-holes that frequent this part of the country so I look hela-bad? (jokeing, honest!!)... Well maybe not about the harley dudes... here there seem to be about 20 harley's to every 1 asian bike... and that may be an under estimate.  I hate to think about the amount of disposable income for these flashy chrome laden mufflerless rumble monsters.  Oops... sounds like I'm getting into a rant... Sorry, sorry, honest....  Nothing against the harley's themselves, nice bikes... but honestly, if you can afford a fancy new chrome and custom paint harley, why is it that you need to dress up like you can't afford a new pair of socks??  Damn, here I go again.  OK, forget #3 and just answer the first two questions, K??
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Offline Flying J

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Re: 78 750f - Drive Gears, how many teeth?
« Reply #26 on: July 26, 2008, 09:55:00 AM »
dboblet, did you get your gears on? how does it work? and did you need the infamous spacer?

Offline TwoTired

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Re: 78 750f - Drive Gears, how many teeth?
« Reply #27 on: July 26, 2008, 10:09:51 AM »
1. does the 78 cb750f ss have an automatic oiler like the older bikes (not that I'm saying a 30 year old bike is a newer bike you understand)??

2.  Is there a recomendation for grease (my nameless friend says just soak it in 90 gear oil after cleaning).  I'd prefer to stay away from some of the spray lubes I've seen, mostly designed for o-ringed chains.
PJ1 Chain lube, black can.

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Offline dboblet

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Re: 78 750f - Drive Gears, how many teeth?
« Reply #28 on: July 28, 2008, 12:38:55 PM »
Hmmm, the front 530 gear is actually THICKER than the stock 630.  It has a shoulder on it that causes the gears to be in alignment (near as I can tell) but it also has a shoulder on the outside that cuases it to be thicker and there is a gap between the sprocket hole and the (now) recessed shaft.  I put back on the outter washer and torqued the nut on pretty good... but the space concerns me a bit.  I have this lingering fear that the bold will work loose since the bold is appying pressure to the washer, the shoulder of which is appying pressure to the gear... This means the bold threads are in the shaft but the washer is not tight against the drive shaft shoulder.  When I get a chance I'll post a couple of photos on this thread.
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Re: 78 750f - Drive Gears, how many teeth?
« Reply #29 on: July 28, 2008, 12:49:12 PM »
 I put a washer in this space to fill the gap. Have had no problems on either bike w/ 32,000 miles combined. Not sure that the extra washer is needed, but it brings peace of mind ;) :)
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Offline Flying J

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Re: 78 750f - Drive Gears, how many teeth?
« Reply #30 on: October 30, 2008, 05:52:29 PM »
I have a 78 750f with stock 14t in the front. i bought a 15t for better highway speed. Will i need a new chain with 1 extra tooth?

Offline dboblet

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Re: 78 750f - Drive Gears, how many teeth?
« Reply #31 on: January 10, 2010, 10:53:59 AM »
OK, I done did it.  After procrastinating and indicision (530 or 630 chain) and (what gear ratio and gears to buy), I placed the order today.  I'm going with 18/48 tooth gears and 530 non-o-ring chain with a master clip.  I'm tenatious about chain maintenance and will be cleaning and servicing the chain weekly (means every 150 miles or so for commuting and about double that if I play a bit) so I'm not worried about the o-rings.

Here's a update.  It's been quite awhile now and I've got several thousand miles (been about a year and a half now) on this chain and it's stretched out and ready for replacement.  Next time I'll go with the o-ring chain, I believe it will last longer.  I've been using a white Teflon chain lube that seems to work well, but leaves the chain looking like I painted it white.  The gears??  working well with no further maintenance needed but I do notice I seem to hit the 'power band' in 5th at about 70mph.  A bit more power at lower speed might have been nice.  I think the stock gears might have given a better over-all performance to speed mix.
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