Author Topic: 76' 550F rebuild.  (Read 1086 times)

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Offline Yooper 550

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76' 550F rebuild.
« on: November 14, 2013, 11:37:55 AM »
Hello this is my first time posting to the forums and this Honda 550 is my first bike.  I guess since then, I've rode quite a lot and have fallen in love with Honda bikes, particularly this older model and the classic look.  The way it sounds is just perfect, since I've got my endorsement and started ridding nothing sounds or feels better then a SOHC.  So it's winter and it cold, my bike unfortunately wont have any of it and I'm gonna bring it home for the winter and drain, fill, and clean for the winter.  As soon as I can get my hands back on it in the summer I wanna make her run like she should/ never has before.  She idles super rough and she has some black residue around the top of the jugs.  So I'm gonna do a complete engine/carb rebuild and document the process for people like me in the future who are scared and really need the help, but have the desire to do this.  Among this I'd like to do some performance upgrades and am wondering what you guys think and anything you might add that a complete noob could do.

First is pulling off the carbs and rebuilding them.  Then a full engine rebuild testing the bore for constancy, lapping and tuning my values, replacing gaskets/rings, friction plates, and media blasting the case.  Now I have a question as to what type of median should I use to blast an engine, should I do it inside and out or should I use cleaners for the inside, can I media blast the carbs instead of using carb cleaner?  Then strip the bike and paint the exhaust, frame, crankcase, fuel tank, polish the chrome, make sure it shines.  Then I would like to before I put everything back together replace the entire electrical system with a custom harness.  Then reassemble with the stock exhaust, add some pods in place of the air box, and do a full tune up, re-sync my carbs do a re-jet if needed, new tires and I would like to end up with a modern rebuild that looks stock-ish. 

This with pods and rebuilt electrical system is my goal, but I might end up by the end just doing a full custom paint job.