Urgh, still no luck with getting this f#*king airbox installed.
Decided to give up for now and looked into my front brakes instead. When I apply the front brake, the piston would engage, but it would not release. Drained the brake fluid, removed the caliper from the bike, and decided to open it up in my workshop.
I managed to get to bleeder nipple bolt out (it was pretty rusty), but the piston was a different story...
Checked the forums and tried the air compressor trick - no luck.
Went to plan B and used a grease gun. Managed to get about 1 thread on tight and it popped out like a charm.

I was able to salvage the rubber seal and soaked the rusty parts in some rust removal juice from Canadian Tire.
Long story short, got the brakes "rebuilt", reinstalled, and bled so that my brakes no longer stick.
One less thing to worry about for the inspection.