So I picked up a '74 CB450 yesterday with 5,000 miles. It's been in storage for 18 years. Indoor, and under a tarp. I needs a new master cylinder, fork tubes, and a tach. Pretty simple external stuff. The engine however, appears to be in solid shape. The bike is mostly original, paint is still vibrant. Original pipes, all around very clean and zero rust.
It was 105F outside (and I was working on this thing out in the sun), so I didn't have a chance to fully diagnose the engine. I did a quick "spot" compression check. Putting my fingers up to the spark plug hole revealed what "felt" to be a healthy motor. I used an automotive compression gauge (press-in type), and the bike showed 125PSI on both sides, with me kicking it over with my foot. I didn't run this at WOT throttle either (I was busy kicking the motor while also holding it up while my friend held the gauge in) and I didn't get a chance to check the valves. I had to work quick as I was burning my butt off. I expect the motor is very healthy, and once it gets hot, ran for a hundred miles, a valve adjustment, and with WOT then it probably would give healthy compression. I do have an actual motorcycle compression gauge on the way, so I'd like to start getting more accurate numbers (this gauge reads smaller engines low).
The tank was halfway full with fuel. It needs to be drained. Where there wasn't fuel in the tank, there is some build up (loose, wet rust). It's a given that I will have to remove the tank, drain it, and use an acid treatment/flushing. Probably will use some bbs. I also plan on putting 2 fuel filters on.
I didn't check the oil. But it's a given I will need to drain. Run the engine for a few hundred miles, and drain the oil again. Would you guys recommend putting in a little marvel mystery oil after I drain it to try to get as much residual stuff as possible?
Carbs were bone dry. They probably should be gone through. There are some cracked boots that need to be replaced. May clean the jets and try to use them as-is for the time being.
Air cleaner:
Did not look at, but I suspect that they are in great shape with only 5,000 miles of intake.
Spark Plugs:
Appeared to be in good condition and properly in spec. May replace anyways.
Needs replacement, which is a given. Starter button works and turns the motor over.
I suppose after doing all that, then I should be able fire it up