Still wanted to get a bit more done, so I repainted the master cylinder and brake caliper, which also had road rash across the flat surface of the face, and yet no scratches on the fork leg..weird. I got a flat file and some 80-180 grit sandpaper out and removed them and then smoothed up the shoulder around it, too. Looks pretty nice now..
I also stripped that crappy old clear plastic off the levers and removed the rubber ends and then took a scotch brite pad and aluminum polish to them.
Got the carbs cleaned up. I'm polishing all the aluminum bits, but not like chrome. I want all the pieces to look a bit aged, but yet, well taken care of....hmm..does that make sense .. The outside bowl is done.
Maybe too many paint fumes, but the choke butterflies look like emoticons to me..
Back on the bike with the air box, horn, cables and coils.
Pretty close to done with the front end except for the turn signals which need to have their mount repainted and the headlight shell which needs a bit of repair and then on to the battery box and air filter, wiring harness and back end. Piece at a time, Larry, piece at a time..