Although my 75 550f is the arguably the most impressive bike ever made (in my opinion).
When it comes to heading out touring for multiple weeks and multiple thousands of miles, the 550 gets a little short on space for me and the wife.
That’s where the WANG comes into its own and earns its place as the second most impressive bike ever made (in my opinion).
I liked my Wang so much that I now have multiple Wangs.

I have had them referred to by many names; my favorites are Couch Rocket and Hondapotomas.
Nothing can match a wing loaded down with the wife and enough gear to survive for a month and still keep up with Crotch Rockets on the Tail of the Dragon.

Speaking of Gear you can carry enough crap on a Wang to clutter an entire multiple room motel suite without even trying.
Now a truly impressive feat is that I once carried 5 cases of beer entirely within the bags and trunk.
Terry, the wife agrees with you that the 1200 is the best bike ever made and for touring with passenger it probably is, but my vote would have to go with the 81 1100.