Author Topic: I believe that my 'Wang is the most Impressive bike ever made (by Honda in 1986)  (Read 26890 times)

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Offline Retro Rocket

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Secret photo of Terry on his Wang...........................................................

Its a motorized suppository.... :o
750 K2 1000cc
750 F1 970cc
750 Bitsa 900cc
If You can't fix it with a hammer, You've got an electrical problem.

Offline 754

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Look at them mini corncobs under that Wanghounds chin..
Maker of the WELDLESS 750 Frame Kit
Kelowna B.C.       Canada

My next bike will be a ..ANFOB.....

It's All part of the ADVENTURE...

73 836cc.. Green, had it for 3 decades!!
Lost quite a few CB 750's along the way

Offline BeSeeingYou

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What kind of lube do you use when you ride that big black wang?

 Now let's not turn this into an oil thread...not that there is anything wrong with that. ;)

Offline RAFster122s

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What kind of lube do you use when you ride that big black wang?

 Now let's not turn this into an oil thread...not that there is anything wrong with that. ;)

I think Santa had that problem once before...

Didn't Playtex make a bra that lifts and separates....wonder if they have anything for that problem.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 11:07:14 PM by RAFster122S »
David- back in the desert SW!

Offline dave500

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now get the mods to lock it terry!what a sporting action that was?

Offline Retro Rocket

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now get the mods to lock it terry!what a sporting action that was?

Yes Dave, I almost sent him a rather educational PM but fcuk him ..... ;D
750 K2 1000cc
750 F1 970cc
750 Bitsa 900cc
If You can't fix it with a hammer, You've got an electrical problem.

Offline petercb750

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well, I think Terry's wang is very impressive.....and he'll restore it faster than anyone else on this forum... ::)
Unfortunately, I don't think it's faster than my 1100R (the most impressive bike EVER) over 1/4 mile or 0-60. ::) :P ;D
« Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 02:24:15 AM by petercb750 »
1972 750/4 K2 (his), 1976 400/4 (hers)
1982 CB1100RC (ours)

Offline trueblue

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now get the mods to lock it terry!what a sporting action that was?

Yes Dave, I almost sent him a rather educational PM but fcuk him ..... ;D
The biggest issue with the previous impressive thread was everyone was trying to engage in a battle of wits (for a while at least) in regard to the 450 vs 750 debate, but the OP was unarmed ;D.

Terry, the wang may be impressive, but it will never come near the raw power of the CB650Z ;D.  I can guarantee that the 650 up till about the 140kph mark is quicker than your land barge, the Wang does have longer legs though and the Wangs fairing does help a little with the wind at these speeds.  The Wang doesn't have anywhere near the lean capabilities of the 650Z and as my mate found out, if you try to keep up with the far more impressive 650Z it will quickly rub through the mufflers of the Wang, and that leads to one really pissed off missus ;D.
1979 CB650Z
Nothing can be idiot proofed, the world keeps producing better idiots.
Electronic Guages for your SOHC 4

Offline Terry in Australia

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Evening all! Hey thanks for all the insults and witty teasing, I've just gotten home after spending all day fixing the worlds cheapest Subaru and I have to say, I'm stuffed.

Andrew, you were right, the "Mobile Mechanic" wasn't a mechanics arsehole and when he replaced the timing belt he stuffed up the timing, so when I finally got everything to line up, (what a fcuking pain in the arse, my 'Wang is way easier to time with two belts, why couldn't Subaru do the same?) it roared into life, and I drove it the 50 miles home with no issues at all. I probably wasted $115 on a new crank angle position sensor, but what the heck, I installed anyway.

I'm way too tired to engage in witty banter right now, but I have taken umbrage to some of your responses so far, so prepare yourselves all for a mental flogging when I can see straight again. Have a great day/night men, I'm gonna go drop a steak in the pan, I haven't eaten since 7am, and right now, I could eat the crutch out of a low flying duck! Cheers, Terry. ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline RAFster122s

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The naked Wangs were impressive bikes, really they seriously were, and could be pushed very quickly down the horizontal mineshaft with a twist of the wrist. Over time they became the rolling land yahtz that Terry loves. They are impressive touring bikes that have small car sized motors on two wheels. The Honda CVCC was 1100cc dimunitive car that gave Honda a start in the US. How many Civics have been sold since that time? The Wangs created a niche market other bike try to fill even  today but the Wang has remained profitable and viable for Honda still 30+ years later.

Has Fenders created another Brimmer level legend? Probably not, but it has created a few choice catch phrases thread followers will recognize as jabs for some time to come. Fenders craved attention and he chummed enough with his thread to spur quite an impressive response. On another forum there is a Please Delete thread that has epic volumes of posts of similar fashion but not as repetitive.

Terry, sorry to read of the Subi problems...they are no fun. Glad it is fixed.


David- back in the desert SW!

Offline BeSeeingYou

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I'm way too tired to engage in witty banter right now, but I have taken umbrage to some of your responses so far, so prepare yourselves all for a mental flogging when I can see straight again. Have a great day/night men, I'm gonna go drop a steak in the pan, I haven't eaten since 7am, and right now, I could eat the crutch out of a low flying duck! Cheers, Terry. ;D

Translation: Tucks his tail betwen his legs and runs away. ;D ;)

Offline Terry in Australia

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I'm way too tired to engage in witty banter right now, but I have taken umbrage to some of your responses so far, so prepare yourselves all for a mental flogging when I can see straight again. Have a great day/night men, I'm gonna go drop a steak in the pan, I haven't eaten since 7am, and right now, I could eat the crutch out of a low flying duck! Cheers, Terry. ;D

Translation: Tucks his tail betwen his legs and runs away. ;D ;)

You see right there the raft between the understanding of proper English and "Americanlish", my generosity is seen by the lesser gifted and mentally impaired as weakness?

Oh what a tragedy it is that your cowardly ancestors, American whores and peasants, the bastard children of British convicts, lead by your "Founding Fathers" (mostly British Criminals) sought to tuck their tails between their legs and run away from the Empire. If they hadn't America wouldn't be a country of Fender-like wannabes, whores and druug addicts it'd be a much better place, and you personally, would know what the fcuk you're talking about!

Good Morning all! ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline petercb750

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Glad to hear you're feeling better Terry  ;D
1972 750/4 K2 (his), 1976 400/4 (hers)
1982 CB1100RC (ours)

Offline kghost

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Saying all Americans are like Fenders is like comparing Australians to Ivan Milat.

Australian holds the distinction of being settled by whores and thieves. Everyone knows that!

Hell the unofficial national anthem is about stealing sheep. After which you point fingers and raise suspicious eyebrows at the Kiwi's. Come on!

Poor Australia is like the little brother. Ready to point fingers and scream to mommie and daddy everytime big brother does something naughty or against " the rules ". While secretly wishing they could get away with that sort of stuff and date the hot girls.

Australians look at America and ooh and awww, sometimes shaking their head or fingers and whispering tisk tisk....naughty naughty.

The average American is completely unaware of Australia and think New Zealand is one of its states.

Keep slagging off the Americans Terry. If Australia sunk into the ocean...the average American would pause for a moment and wonder what happened to all the kangaroos.
Stranger in a strange land

Offline Retro Rocket

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The average American is completely unaware of most things including reality

Fixed that for you Tim.... ;D
750 K2 1000cc
750 F1 970cc
750 Bitsa 900cc
If You can't fix it with a hammer, You've got an electrical problem.

Offline tbpmusic

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The naked Wangs were impressive bikes, really they seriously were, and could be pushed very quickly down the horizontal mineshaft with a twist of the wrist.

You bet !! I worked on them when they first came out, and had a Necked Wing for some time, it was sweet.
Damned thing was fast, and handled surprisingly well due to the low C/G.

Not so sure about the Wangabagos now though. Reverse gear, really?

Of course all that lardage doesn't seem to bother this lunatic at Deal's Gap - I can't believe this gap on a goldwing/gl1800 by yellow wolf dragons tail

"If you can't fix it with a hammer, then it's an electrical problem"

Bill Lane
 '71 CB450 Mutant/ '75 CB200/ '81 CM200/ '71 C70M

Offline MoMo

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The naked Wangs were impressive bikes, really they seriously were, and could be pushed very quickly down the horizontal mineshaft with a twist of the wrist.

You bet !! I worked on them when they first came out, and had a Necked Wing for some time, it was sweet.
Damned thing was fast, and handled surprisingly well due to the low C/G.

Not so sure about the Wangabagos now though. Reverse gear, really?

Gotta agree, they were impressive, especially when released back in 75 they were  8) 8) 8) 8) 8).   Check the NGW club forum and you will see some truly impressive machines.  After the naked wings they simply became Land Barges...Larry

Offline RAFster122s

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Keep slagging off the Americans Terry. If Australia sunk into the ocean...the average American would pause for a moment and wonder what happened to all the kangaroos.

And the Wallabies...

Come on Terry, you were not going to lie or hold back on us are you? Within the constraints of the list guideline...

America was also initially populated by people fleeing religious persecution, later famine and other persecution as well as people seeking a dream of a better life. We have had witch trials and civil war and indian wars and all kinds of other crap happen in our brief history...
David- back in the desert SW!

Offline kghost

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Keep slagging off the Americans Terry. If Australia sunk into the ocean...the average American would pause for a moment and wonder what happened to all the kangaroos.

And the Wallabies...

Come on Terry, you were not going to lie or hold back on us are you? Within the constraints of the list guideline...

America was also initially populated by people fleeing religious persecution, later famine and other persecution as well as people seeking a dream of a better life. We have had witch trials and civil war and indian wars and all kinds of other crap happen in our brief history...

Following American independence circa 1776..... England needed some new colonies.

For some reason they chose Australia. Since slavery was illegal, the next best thing was convicts.....

Just as a side note Terry.....what's the first three digits of your wang's serial number?

Because if it starts with 1H instead of 1J it was made in the USA.
Stranger in a strange land

Offline Stev-o

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Bet Terry's Wang was made in the US
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline someone

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maybe but i bet his wangs been places you wouldnt even put your finger.
thus be to tyrants

Offline kghost

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maybe but i bet his wangs been places you wouldnt even put your finger.

That's a FACT
Stranger in a strange land

Offline Terry in Australia

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Well I think I've mentioned once or twice that some Americans don't take the time to pause and wonder if perhaps I'm just kidding, but I just can't understand why Tim would be upset, being that he's not actually an American?

Tim is an Argentinian, who's lived in America (and now Australia, the country he loves so much to run down) and as much as Argentina is a third world toilet propped up by a succession of corrupt governments funded by Nazi war criminals who chose Argentina as a good place to hide from the rest of the free world, I can't for a moment understand why he'd be so upset by my gentle ribbing about another country? I mean, plenty of real Americans have read my post without thinking for a moment that I was serious? Wow.

Do all Argentinians have thin skin? Perhaps one of Dr Mengele's experiments gone wrong?

And yep, I've mentioned in several previous posts that my magnificent 'Wang was made in the USA, and that I imported another engine from Michigan, so no prizes for guessing that Tim......

Anyway, 'Evening all! ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline trueblue

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Evening Terry, I fired my impressive 650 up after nearly 3 months of neglect, our new house has been coming first for too long.  It fired on the first hit of the starter, and ran on the second.  Took it for a ride to the servo for some fresh fuel, it ran great, even lifted the front wheel into second gear as I pulled onto the highway out of the servo ;D.  It always surprises me the get up and go it has for a 34 year old bike, admitedly it won't run with the likes of the CBR's, but it has put quite a few Hardleys to shame and is pretty damn impressive ;D.
1979 CB650Z
Nothing can be idiot proofed, the world keeps producing better idiots.
Electronic Guages for your SOHC 4

Offline Terry in Australia

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Yeah mate, I'm thinking that you should start a thread stating that you think that your  CB650 is the most impressive bike ever made. (by Honda in 1979)

If you think about it, 1979 was a terrible year for Honda, their first DOHC bikes were rubbish, CX500's were overweight underpowered slugs, their dirt bikes sucked royally, and apart from the Goldwings, I can't think of any Honda from 1979 that I'd be proud to have in my garage.

Now while some here wouldn't consider the 650 the ultimate SOHC4, for that dreary dark year of mechanical nothingness, otherwise known as 1979, it'd probably be considered very impressive! ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)