I've given up on trying to polish the spokes. I got them looking clean, but I think that's as good as they're going to get.
Everything so far that's mounted to the bike is 100% perfect. It's just hard to finally start bolting on stuff that isn't perfect....like 40+ year old spokes. I've even went as far to use a dremel and a wirewheel, lambswool and metal polish on a drill, etc. They're just not going to look new again.
Besides, these rear wheels get messy pretty quick. Oh well. This bike is a good candidate for Comstars in the future.
Front fender is ready for 2k high build and blocking.

Tank is about 70% there. Side covers are about finished. Headlight bucket's gouges are filled in. Rear fender is all that I haven't started to fill. Once the filling is done, the rest is pretty much cake walk!
Still left to do:
1) Order brake caliper piston. Mine has too much pitting.
2) receive sprocket cover plate and get that blasted/powdercoated
3) Blast and powder coat fork legs and brake caliper body
My goal of having a rolling chassis this weekend is about two weeks off.