Author Topic: Never Cease To Amaze Me, About Some People's Attitude, Got Experiences To Share?  (Read 4095 times)

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Offline Cabilao

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we have lot of beggars here in the philippines. they sit in front of mcdonalds and if i buy them a burger meal they get angry with me.thats why i stop giving anything. if someone is really in need i help.
Kreidler RMC(50cc)
CB400N(first bike)
RD350LC(more than one)
XS850(great bike)
CB900F(wish i still have it)
FZR1000(too fast)
Rickman CR900(sold for a good price)
Rusi 125
CB 125 CL(just for fun)
Yamaha XTZ 125
CB750P7(mystery bike)
77/78 cool 2 member

Offline bjatwood

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I was leaving a gas station counter where I had just paid for my fuel. When I approched the door I noticed a man in a wheel chair coming up the "ramp" I held the door open for him and he starts to berate me as he is going thru the open door cussing and swearing at me he didn't need any help! I grabbed his wheelchair and stopped him and went around in front of him and told him "The world would be a better place if we ALL just helped somebody once a day" With that I left the station with my head held high.  ;)

I believe that the Finest things are the most thoughtfully made, not the most expensive!