Author Topic: Never Cease To Amaze Me, About Some People's Attitude, Got Experiences To Share?  (Read 4101 times)

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Offline bill440cars

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    I swear, there are STILL a number of people who act as though Others OWE THEM!

    I mean, when you offer an assist to someone who is in dire straights and then they turn around and try to STIFF YOU, That Is BAD!!!!!!  I guess it goes back to that old saying, "Give Them An Inch And They Want A Mile"

   I Just Don't Get It, You Offer An Assist And Then You Are Treated Like Trash, Because You Didn't Do MORE?

   Really? I don't want to go into details, just KNOW that These people were in a VERY "Needy" Situation. It won't keep me from trying to help someone else out, but sure makes you wonder "Why Bother"?

« Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 09:49:22 PM by bill440cars »
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
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Watch What You Step Into, It Could  End Up A Mess!

Jay Ace

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Re: Never Cease To Amaze Me, About Some People's Attitude
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2013, 08:53:17 PM »
I totally feel ya man. Going through a big thing at work that's actually been going on for weeks now ... I will never understand people like that.

Better believe I wont be as helpful next time around.

Offline Red Good

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Re: Never Cease To Amaze Me, About Some People's Attitude
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2013, 09:17:58 PM »
Come to the conclusion that's just the way it is . Entitled .

Offline bill440cars

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Re: Never Cease To Amaze Me, About Some People's Attitude
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2013, 09:17:01 AM »

     I have  been in need, at times and totally showed my appreciation and NEVER made it seem that I expected more. And by the same token, I have helped some who if they were able to, returned the favor, when I was in need. Now THAT'S cool.  ;)
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
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Watch What You Step Into, It Could  End Up A Mess!

Offline strynboen

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Re: Never Cease To Amaze Me, About Some People's Attitude
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2013, 10:21:06 AM »
i am a naiv fool. (hope that are positivt).just trying to do the best for all..a few idiots must not thange that..ignore the idiots and stay frendly and helpy,,as long it not kosts you all your"s money
i kan not speak english/but trying!!
i hate all this v-w.... vords

Offline bill440cars

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Re: Never Cease To Amaze Me, About Some People's Attitude
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2013, 09:43:34 PM »

i am a naiv fool. (hope that are positivt).just trying to do the best for all..a few idiots must not thange that..ignore the idiots and stay frendly and helpy,,as long it not kosts you all your"s money

     Well buddy, naive means basically that you can be taken advantage of (in one way of thinking) Means there's a good chance that the naive person  could be convinced to do things he (or she) shouldn't. A naive person could possibly be talked into a scheme that could cost them all of their savings, money in the checking account, credit cards, etc.   

    Anyway, I don't see you as a "naive fool", but as someone who tries to see the good in folks and help when and where you can. Nothing wrong with that, at all. And I feel the same way. I try to help where I can, but when folks start acting a fool, I drop them FAST.
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
"Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow"                  
 You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, Just Takes A Little Bit Longer & A Lot More Patience!! 
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Offline MoMo

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I totally feel ya man. Going through a big thing at work that's actually been going on for weeks now ... I will never understand people like that.

Better believe I wont be as helpful next time around.

I have the same type of thing going on at work too.  A fellow worker asks for money(we have an assist fund for needy employees) constantly and then uses the money for tattoes, beauty salon or some other personal item rather than for her family. I do not give. 
As long as the government sets up a whole hierarchy of welfare the sense of entitlement will only grow...Larry

Offline kghost

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Bill, you owe me an SL350 lol
Stranger in a strange land

Offline bill440cars

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I totally feel ya man. Going through a big thing at work that's actually been going on for weeks now ... I will never understand people like that.

Better believe I wont be as helpful next time around.

I have the same type of thing going on at work too.  A fellow worker asks for money(we have an assist fund for needy employees) constantly and then uses the money for tattoes, beauty salon or some other personal item rather than for her family. I do not give.  Ii
As long as the government sets up a whole hierarchy of welfare the sense of entitlement will only grow...Larry

Wow, seems like someone needs to rethink their priorities. I'm with you on this one.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2013, 06:33:22 AM by bill440cars »
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
"Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow"                  
 You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, Just Takes A Little Bit Longer & A Lot More Patience!! 
Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
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Watch What You Step Into, It Could  End Up A Mess!

Offline bill440cars

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Bill, you owe me an SL350 lol

    LOL!  ::)  I was wondering when THAT would pop up!  ;D Tell ya what Tim, swim over here and we will talk about it.  ;) LOL!  Myself, I'm still missing your "GoldWing". Remember? The one you sold that I REALLY wish I'd have had the buck$ to buy? I still have those photos that you sent me.  :)
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
"Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow"                  
 You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, Just Takes A Little Bit Longer & A Lot More Patience!! 
Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
                  Dakota LE 4x4 '66 CB77 & '72 SL350K2
Watch What You Step Into, It Could  End Up A Mess!


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    I swear, there are STILL a number of people who act as though Others OWE THEM!

    I mean, when you offer an assist to someone who is in dire straights and then they turn around and try to STIFF YOU, That Is BAD!!!!!!  I guess it goes back to that old saying, "Give Them An Inch And They Want A Mile"

   I Just Don't Get It, You Offer An Assist And Then You Are Treated Like Trash, Because You Didn't Do MORE?

   Really? I don't want to go into details, just KNOW that These people were in a VERY "Needy" Situation. It won't keep me from trying to help someone else out, but sure makes you wonder "Why Bother"?


It would be interesting to survey these folks and find out what political party the majority supports?         

Offline flybox1

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the other evening i was out with the wife.  we were passing through a residential area where there are many walking trails which are used often.  at a light we see the lady, with handfuls of grocery bags, getting up from the ground, and some of the bags are split with spilled items leaking.  (we assumed the lady fell) so as i pull by and slow down, my wife rolls down the window and asks if she needs help, on the ready to get out of the car and help, and this btich proceeds to chew out my wife for asking.  i yelled back that this crazy fcuk should go straight home and take her meds and drove on.  >:(
'78 750K (F3 engine) PD42b's, Modified airbox w/K&N  filter, 40/110 jets, 1 needle shim, IMS@ 1 turn out. Kerker + Cone 18" QuietCore

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Offline bill440cars

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It would be interesting to survey these folks and find out what political party the majority supports?         

    Yeah, I heard That!
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
"Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow"                  
 You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, Just Takes A Little Bit Longer & A Lot More Patience!! 
Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
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Watch What You Step Into, It Could  End Up A Mess!

Offline bill440cars

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the other evening i was out with the wife.  we were passing through a residential area where there are many walking trails which are used often.  at a light we see the lady, with handfuls of grocery bags, getting up from the ground, and some of the bags are split with spilled items leaking.  (we assumed the lady fell) so as i pull by and slow down, my wife rolls down the window and asks if she needs help, on the ready to get out of the car and help, and this btich proceeds to chew out my wife for asking.  i yelled back that this crazy fcuk should go straight home and take her meds and drove on.  >:(

          Now isn't THAT something? Just another example of how our society is REALLY going "Downhill", in a Hurry! Like you all, never would have expected a reaction like that!  :o  I believe that one is for the books! Sure a far cry from when folks helped each other more AND Drugs and Meds weren't so OUT THERE! I'm STILL kinda set back from THAT one and I wasn't even there!
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
"Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow"                  
 You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, Just Takes A Little Bit Longer & A Lot More Patience!! 
Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
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Watch What You Step Into, It Could  End Up A Mess!

Offline Duanob

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the other evening i was out with the wife.  we were passing through a residential area where there are many walking trails which are used often.  at a light we see the lady, with handfuls of grocery bags, getting up from the ground, and some of the bags are split with spilled items leaking.  (we assumed the lady fell) so as i pull by and slow down, my wife rolls down the window and asks if she needs help, on the ready to get out of the car and help, and this btich proceeds to chew out my wife for asking.  i yelled back that this crazy fcuk should go straight home and take her meds and drove on.  >:(

Wow must be something in the air around here. I had the same thing happen. We live in a predominanlty white neighborhood but there is a disabled black man with possible paulsy, that hangs around the area asking for change. he's been here for a few years now and I think he gets treated pretty well.

One day my wife my 70 year old aunt and I were walking our dog down to the village area and there was the same guy with his shopping cart spilt half on the sidewalk and half in the street. My aunt and my wife both asked the guy if he needed help and if he was Ok. The guy turns around and starts cussing them both out with every profanity you can think of! What a douchebag. I'll never give the guy anything again.

I got back at him though. I went down to the local gas station/convenience store on the Honda to get some gas. I was dressed in leather jacket and helmet. He was standing outside asking for spare change I told him to F%$*@K Off! and that I remembered who he was. His eyes got real big. Maybe he will think twice about where is money comes from.
"Just because you flush a boatload of money down the toilet, doesn't make the toilet worth more",  My Stepfather the Unknown Poet

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_- \_<,
(*) /' (*)

Offline bill440cars

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the other evening i was out with the wife.  we were passing through a residential area where there are many walking trails which are used often.  at a light we see the lady, with handfuls of grocery bags, getting up from the ground, and some of the bags are split with spilled items leaking.  (we assumed the lady fell) so as i pull by and slow down, my wife rolls down the window and asks if she needs help, on the ready to get out of the car and help, and this btich proceeds to chew out my wife for asking.  i yelled back that this crazy fcuk should go straight home and take her meds and drove on.  >:(

Wow must be something in the air around here. I had the same thing happen. We live in a predominanlty white neighborhood but there is a disabled black man with possible paulsy, that hangs around the area asking for change. he's been here for a few years now and I think he gets treated pretty well.

One day my wife my 70 year old aunt and I were walking our dog down to the village area and there was the same guy with his shopping cart spilt half on the sidewalk and half in the street. My aunt and my wife both asked the guy if he needed help and if he was Ok. The guy turns around and starts cussing them both out with every profanity you can think of! What a douchebag. I'll never give the guy anything again.

I got back at him though. I went down to the local gas station/convenience store on the Honda to get some gas. I was dressed in leather jacket and helmet. He was standing outside asking for spare change I told him to F%$*@K Off! and that I remembered who he was. His eyes got real big. Maybe he will think twice about where is money comes from.

        I am speechless! I have seen and heard about alot of things, but THIS one REALLY takes the cake! I am sure that many of us have seen and heard things similar that just makes you wonder "What Is Up With These People"?  Amazing!!!  ::)
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
"Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow"                  
 You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, Just Takes A Little Bit Longer & A Lot More Patience!! 
Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
                  Dakota LE 4x4 '66 CB77 & '72 SL350K2
Watch What You Step Into, It Could  End Up A Mess!

Offline flybox1

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its tough guys...i told my wife that id do it again (trying to save that drowning guy in Mexico, and almost getting killed myself) and id still probably slow to ask someone if they needed help, but unfortunately it makes you think twice about your safety.
My wife is a hospice nurse, and we have a disabled son. 
We just hope someone would ask if we, or our son, needed help....
'78 750K (F3 engine) PD42b's, Modified airbox w/K&N  filter, 40/110 jets, 1 needle shim, IMS@ 1 turn out. Kerker + Cone 18" QuietCore

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77/78 cool 2 member #3
"Knowledge without mileage equals bullsh!t" - Henry Rollins

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Offline bill440cars

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its tough guys...i told my wife that id do it again (trying to save that drowning guy in Mexico, and almost getting killed myself) and id still probably slow to ask someone if they needed help, but unfortunately it makes you think twice about your safety.
My wife is a hospice nurse, and we have a disabled son. 
We just hope someone would ask if we, or our son, needed help....

     You are right about that, brother. It is tough. Yeah, if you catch hell while trying to help someone, it would definitely make you think twice next time. I have never been in THAT kind of situation, so I can only guess how that would feel and know that it would make you slow to react next time, I am sure. I can clearly identify with you all having a disabled Son, as I have a disabled Daughter, not to mention my Dad who just turned 88 last month. Ya gotta hope someone would offer assistance if it was needed. That's just ONE thing wrong with our country today. Alot of folks are "Too Busy" or just don't want to get involved, when someone is in need. It is DEFINITELY impressive when someone DOES step up though. Thanks for posting.  ;) 
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
"Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow"                  
 You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, Just Takes A Little Bit Longer & A Lot More Patience!! 
Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
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Watch What You Step Into, It Could  End Up A Mess!

Offline Cabilao

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+1 to all of the comments above. im in the diving business and rescued a girl few years ago from drowning more than 60feet below. after i get her one the boat one guy who did nothing than staring start to critisize my rescue coz i was not really following the handbook. geez,i was near to break his nose. this was the last day of diving for him.i throw him out of my shop. sh!£head
Kreidler RMC(50cc)
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Offline dave500

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believe it or not im pretty civil,ive worked with the public for years,,ive spent time as a 24 hour car battery "technition"and installed sattelite and cable in peoples homes for near five years in the past,i still work with the public in the rubbish removal industry now for over ten years,,people can become so fickle all of a sudden ive found,,i dont go so out of my way and go the extra mile these days if i dont really want to,,because people can be so fickle,sometimes its just not worth your while,,doing the extra should make you feel all warm and fuzzy,,not get you into an argument over #$%* all!
« Last Edit: August 03, 2013, 03:36:59 AM by dave500 »

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Can't believe it""
My wife and I once saw a couple with 2 small children in an empty parking lot with a sign""" OUT OF GAS AND NEED FOOD FOR KIDS!!   So we went and got 5 gals of gas and some KFC for them. Got back to them with gas and food and they still begged for some CASH so they could pump it in their arms.. I NEVER give money! but if they're hungry I'll feed them.



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Several years ago there was a bad ice storm that took down power lines. Nighttime temps went into the single digits, and about 75% of St. louis Mo. was without power. In dire need of technicians, teams from as far as several states away were called in to assist local electric co. techs. These guys worked 18 hour shifts. A group of them
came into the restaurant where my wife worked at the time. None of them had had any sleep for at least 24 hours. Two of them were still without power at their own houses.  They were like zombies almost. They told accounts of verbal abuse, rocks being thrown at them, and dogs unleashed on them as they tried to do their job which, of course, was to restore the power. Somehow,
some people, in a twisted way blamed most of the problems on these poor guys. I made it a point to give 'em the "thumbs up"
every time I saw a crew ANYWHERE. A scary thought is to wonder what it would've been like had things been worse.

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For a spell several years ago it seemed like it didn't matter where I went a gas station, McDonald's, Lowes, etc. someone would always walk up to me with some type of reason or accuse for needing money. I lost my wallet or someone stole it, Im out of gas and Im a youth leader from a church out of State and need gas money to get the kids back home. Like most of us here if I know that someone is in true need I will to what I can to help, but it's not hard for me to tell when Im being fed a line of bull $#%^.

A while back I let someone I know borrow $100.00 and was told by him he would pay me back as soon has he got paid the following week. Well I had wrote it off as a $100.00 lost when 6 months later he knocked on my door and gave me my money. He has come back several times wanting money, and my response is I can't help you.
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Offline Blasbo

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It's sad because there are people that really need help and people that are just scammers. I want to help the ones that need it but I have a hard time figuring out which is which.

Offline SGTBob

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Can't believe it""
My wife and I once saw a couple with 2 small children in an empty parking lot with a sign""" OUT OF GAS AND NEED FOOD FOR KIDS!!   So we went and got 5 gals of gas and some KFC for them. Got back to them with gas and food and they still begged for some CASH so they could pump it in their arms.. I NEVER give money! but if they're hungry I'll feed them.


Lots of so called "homeless" people don't want the goods, they only want money.  Most of them probably make a better living "begging for money" than I do by working 60+ hour weeks.  Additionally, they don't pay into the tax system with the funds that they beg for and get.
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