OK I'm still working on this 1989 CBR400RR for my son, it's coming together nicely and after stripping it right back to the frame it now looks like a bike again.
I have struck a very very annoying front brake problem, my son insisted on powder coating the calipers (and just about every other part of the bike) and I had a hell of a job to get the new seals in, I have fitted braided brake lines and just to day fitted a repair kit for the master cylinder.
All good things, if they worked!
For all my knowledge of brakes and bleeding I cannot get this bike to give me squat!
The brake lever remains as limp as a eunik's donger!
Bubbles, yes I have those, every time I think I have it sussed I get more micro bubbles, I've used all the tricks I learned off this site plus a few more, nada, nothing, squat!
For a bike like this that is one step back from a track racer and is barely road legal I must insist my son has really good brakes.
Anyone got a foolproof method I haven't tried yet?