I've been reading and trying to troubleshoot my front brake and I am in need of some guidance.
-Added SS lines a few months back
-Developed a slight 'leak' at the bleeder screw
-Replaced original bleeder valve screw with new Honda part
-'Leak' seemed to disappear with new bleeder valve screw
-Then started noticing some front brake drag
-Confirmed with bike lifted/front wheel off ground
-Adjusting screw has no effect on drag
-Piston appears to be sticking, not disengaging fully
Next step - remove caliper? I was debating doing that with the bleeder valve screw leak anyway. I can get a repro caliper body. If the drag can not be resolved with the adjuster screw, is it definitely the piston sticking? And if so, removing caliper is the next thing to try, correct?
Note: It's a new repro MC, so the small hole has no blockage, etc.