Rats, Fenders has discovered my nefarious plot !!
It's true, I've devoted my life these past months to hurting his feelings and making his girlfriend cry.
Why?? Because a young girl's tears make me feel like a Real Man......that's just the sort of curmudgeonly Olde Farte I am.....
The half-dozen emails I answered from you with my help were all just a front - even when I helped your dad (who seems a pretty good sort), it was all part of The Plan.
Believe it or not, my comments about the funky paint scheme were not directed at you or anyone else.
Actually, if all you can find to nitpick on my 450 is yellow plug wires and a curved tank stripe, I feel pretty good about that. You try coming up with something that deals with those slab-sided, bulbous CB450 tanks.
Considering the basket case I started with, it's ok with me.......

I needed plug wires, Mike's XS Shop only had yellow ones, so yellow they are. Someday I might replace them, but probably not unless they melt or explode.
Why not?? Because (and I know it must seem strange to you) I DON"T CARE WHAT YOU THINK !!!!
I have the same answer to all the cafe freaks who told me I needed to get rid of all the lights and put some Clubman bars and rearsets on it.
It's a Honda 450, it's not a racer - to pretend otherwise is just being a Poser - the whole concept reminds me of this.......

Seriously, Fenders, if you want to come on a forum like this and mix it up with the Olde Fartes who've done this stuff for 40-50 years or more, you need some thicker skin, dude. Stop worrying about what other people think, you can only please yourself in this life.......
You love the brown color and garish stripes, that's cool, be secure about it - stand up on your hind legs and take a bit of ribbing like a Man.
Mark Twain once said, "You wouldn't worry about what people think of you if you knew how seldom they actually do it....".