"Screw That?" Sorry, ces, but I can't make it to michigan, so I am going to go to the meet nearest me. so screw you.

jeezus. Sorry I am not in the ultra-cool, we-have-the-best-roads-in-the-nation-to-ride "michigan" chapter of the VJMC, or anyother chapter for that matter. I just thought I would pass on some interesting information to the rest of the members and guests here.
all jokes aside... unfortunately no, jbailey, sorry that i don't have any better info than that,
maybe the previously posted weblink will help? I just saw a little blurb in the weekend paper about it and figured,
what the hell, 100 miles each way, I Bet the bike can make it! *knocks on wood*
hope to see some of you NON MICHIGANERS there! just kidding ces. i would like to see you, too. but i am guessing it is too far to come. just like michigan it too far for me.
so "screw long distances", not "screw you!"