OK quick back story to current problem. Out on the bike a few weeks ago all was perfect ran all my errands, and stopped to see my parents. While there I decided to give the bike a quick wash (with minimal water use of course), bike fired right back up and I rode the whooping 1 mile home and parked as I normally do. Went to ride a week later and no go, which is unusual for this bike. I didn't really have time to address the issue then, too much work and school. Fast forward to yesterday took the carbs off and gave them a quick going over as they were not dirty as I thought. Went back out today and confirmed what I thought, no spark on any cylinder.
Bike is a 78 super sport with a 75 super sport engine. Stock airbox, good filter. MAC 4-1. Ignition is still stock coils and points, which are properly adjusted. Have power at both coils, and down at the points. No pinched or damaged wires. New D8EA plugs as well. So like I said what am I missing? It has to be something simple, but I cant seem to see the forest for the trees. Maybe fresh a mind can catch what I can't see. Battery was a little low, but I have kicked it with lower voltage then that and it ran great. With work and school I don't have much free time anymore, and I would like to be able to ride to Barber this year too.
I appreciate any and all information y'all share.