Hi everyone, new to the bike scene and found a modded 77 cb550k for a first bike. Decided on this bike because it wasnt a cookie cutter bike and the ccs were low to keep the insurance down, also the price was right for a first bike at $550 so i wouldnt feel to bad if it got dropped or crashed. Im pretty happy overall with the bike, it needs some refining and finishing as i just found out with a failed saftey inspection but i kinda figured it would. I think it has pretty good potential to be a nice bike and plan to do a complete rebuilt of it over our long winter and hopefully have it ready to roll for next summer. Ive been riding it on a permit and its pretty fun and i get some looks, our roads arent the best so the rigid frame is a little ruff but its still better than not riding at all. So the story on the bike is its a 77 CB550K not sure on the actual mileage since the front forks were swapped out for a set off a early 80s yamaha to give it a better stance and allow the wheels to be used, i think the speedo is yamaha too but not sure. Rear wheel is a the matched one from the yamaha and the tank is off a 2003 suzuki intruder i believe. The frame was stretched approx 8" and welded up rigid. This was all done before i got the bike.