Yeah, what they've got to be patient...I found a lot of Rum helped..I too was not the greatest wrench in the west, and I'm still not, but I'm getting better!. I have a friend who is, and without him, I don't know what shape I'd be in...I looked for two years. After finding a rusty bike with a rotten, sodden seat under a tree that the the guy wanted too much for because it was a "Classic", I decided to hunker down and find what I really needed. This is where the Rum helped!
First, I needed a runner. I am at least, pretty good at cosmetics, so I could clean it up myself. If it didn't run, it would probably sit, just like at it's last home. Second, I'm cheap (I think we all are to some extent). I couldn't bring myself to spend a lot. I do have an indoor, heated place to work on it in the winter (very important to me).
So, I looked and looked, and finally found my bike for $500.00. It ran well. but needed a back tire, and new brake pads in the back. I was able to ride it while I worked on it. Very important!
I think with every old bike there is at least one monster in the closet. Mine was an old crappy electrical system. With the help of my friend Jeff, after about 3 years, all the shorts ar fixed, and I can ride with confidence.
I've gotten much better at fixing things with time. I use Jeff for things I can't, and I've found a great mechanic for things beyond that...and with this group, it's kind of like having a handicapped child, but having a big enough network of helpers, that life is tolerable.
Take your time, and you'll have a much better experience.