My background is so different, I don't think I qualify for this topic
Elaborate please???
You axed for it
I was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia back than, 1964. My country was under a stalinist regime since 1948, in sixties it started to loosen up a bit, but in 1968 the Warsaw pact put an end to it, my first political memory are russian tanks in streets, full of soldiers with mongol like faces.
After this attempt for better government/life was killed, the country went into kind of a freeze that lasted till 1989. We were told how well we are living and we were fighting for peace (fighting for peace makes as much sense as fcuking for virginity) and we were listening to VoA just to have an idea what is really going on in the world. Red flags and banners on buildings would tell you who you love and why and for how long (With USSR for ever and ever), we were brainwashed in schools and we would get in trouble for absurd things such as visiting a church, borrowing a book at US Embassy, speaking our mind, you name it.
However, the regime was sihty, we still had fun. I joined scouts (scouts were banned of course, along with many books and movies, we were officially communistic youth - in reality we were scouts in Baden Powell spirit learning woodcraft and white water canoeing, camping, and such). We would camp on weekends and hitchhike all over the country, the weekend was the time to be free and do as you please. Police would chase us around every so often but it was part of the game.
As many Czechs my father built a cabin for weekends and summers and there I lived the life of a farm kid with endless hours in woods, fishing and such. Do you know you can catch trout with your bare hands? I learned how to when I was 10
In some sense I had more freedom than my kids now and here - i.e. USA of 2013. I carry knife in my pocket since I was 7, we would always mess with diy explosives and nobody called us terorists, we could go places and do things scouts here can only dream off.
I can rant forever, but better stop now