Ace (Adam) is an Air Force Officer who's also a CB750 nut. He doesn't get on here all that often, but if you send him a PM, you might get lucky. Cheers, Terry. 
I bought some VM29's of him 2 weeks ago Terry, he should answer a PM.... 
You didn't buy those 29mm smoothies that I sold him? Ooops............. 
Yeah, he sold the bike and the buyer didn't want the VM's....why..?
Great, there goes my secret identity, thanks Terry. So by the sounds of it, there may be a problem with the smoothies that Terry knew about when he sold them to me. I never found that problem and now I've sold them to Mick. So if you have a problem with them Mick blame Terry. So I've got plausible deniability....thanks Terry

Actually I bought another set of smoothies and made a great set which you now have Mick. Yeah I don't lurk here that often these days since I sold the F2, my CB750 problems have all but disappeared

Got your PM Hastenbrucke, then I searched to work out how you tracked me down. No hiding these days. I haven't come across anyone I'd trust here in Perth, not to say that there isn't anyone I just don't look. When parts guys at dealers ask what model followed by the year followed by can you say that again, I usually walk away. I'll be in touch.
You other two behave yourselves now