Not enough focus and passion.
Nailed it. In order to expect to be able to participate, conversely requires some level of p_a_r_t_i_c_i_p_a_t_i_o_n. Providing input, planning, support, suggestions, scheduling assistance, cheer leading, constructive criticism, etc. Having participated at a fairly high level I can assure everyone that the return on my efforts invested have been an absolute BLAST!

I've even met and made some new friends along the way...
Something different is not a bad idea. I had to ship GZ off this year due to Justin having a family emergency and not being able to make it to his pick up site.
Maybe a week in each location?
Figure maybe an eight month time frame would give you 32 weeks. Figure four of those weeks as "bye" weeks for weather/confusion/life responsibilities would leave 28 "locations". Figure three-day ground delivery and you got four days at each of those 28 locations, loosely from March through October. Some of us can ride year-round (sorry guys, not trying to rub it in), but there aren't many areas that can (unless you're tough, like Jerry, Greg, Coke, Mooshie, and many others). All this would take is for someone to categorize, catalog, and schedule any and all major motorcycling events worthy of consideration and run with it, while at the same time coordinating these with their respective regional riders. Not a task to be taken lightly, especially when many members still have silly things like everyday life to deal with!

(I hate it when responsibilities interfere with my leisure time!)

V 1.0 had some serious problems in a couple of areas. If not for several high-mileage Heroes, GZ would never have made it.
Is there a Toastmasters club for those that have mastered the art of "understatement"?