Well, after a slight scare today, she's officially mine!
The P.O. was SWAMPED with replies after I left. Unbeknownst to me, he also had it listed on eBay. He told me "Wow, maybe I should have asked more for it. Wish I had kept a bunch of these old bikes!".
When he went to remove the ads, someone in Michigan had hit the "buy it now" button and sent him a deposit....uh-oh. Note to self: ALWAYS LEAVE A DEPOSIT.
I was stuck at work for 12 hours, but after a few tense emails, he withdrew the auction, refunded the guys money and honored our handshake deal. He found the title today and was waiting in my driveway when I got home from work.

I got to take her for a spin around the neighborhood and she'll definitely need a carb clean and a good tune up. A couple of the bowls are dripping out of the overflow vents and the gas is that funny green color of stale gas/bad ethanol.
The tires, while like new, are also old and will need replacing to be safe.
A couple of things I learned today:
-The bike is 100% original other than the Lesters/tires, 400F bars and the grips.
-The seat IS brown. It's just darkened with age. You can really tell under different light and when you look at the underside.
-The gauges are original.
-The bolts on the triple tree clamp are original.
There is a ton of cool parts in the spare boxes. Some NOS Honda in unopened wrappers. Some are take offs from when his father owned the Honda dealership. I'll have to inventory it all and snap some pics.