well, let's see.
If you don't want to clean your carbs, but you might have a broken trannie, you have some problems...

If you like the drag bars, use them. I prefer clip ons, but $20 Bikemaster clubman bars work about as well, and cost $80 less.
pods are fine, but as a wise man once said... "race bikes should only use velocity stacks. Dust you say? That's what new piston rings are for..."
On race bikes, my philosophy is to get it onto the track ASAP. Then you can figure out what really needs changing and what doesn't. I have guys I know that refuse to take the bike to the track until they have all of the upgrades done. The end result is that the bike never makes it to the track, because it's never really finished.
You'll also want to put a 15 tooth sprocket up front in place of the stock 17.
An electric tach is a nice upgrade for Phase II also. I cut up a ZX900 instrument cluster ($15 on Ebay) and used it. Big improvement.
Rear sets are another nice upgrade. I welded a four inch piece of angle iron to the frame and bolted on some FZR rearsets. About $50 on Ebay.
The MRA guys in Colorado do not have any vintage guys racing. You can do AHRMA races in Salt Lake City and in Albuquerque. You can also come down to ABQ and race with us monthly, April to October.
Most trackday organizations though will allow most any kind of bike on the track as long as it is in good repair and has good tires. Usually no safety wiring is required either.
Obviously with the limited electrical, you'll be running a total loss ignition system. Typically a fully charged battery will last a trackday. The bike will start to miss at high RPM when the battery starts to run low. To be on the safe side, charge it at lunch.
Again, you're welcome to come to ABQ and ride one of my bikes anytime.
Trackdays down here cost $75-95. Leather rentals are another $25.