I've been trying to get a 76 750 back on the road for a couple months. I swapped motors from another one and it's running fine but there is a major oil leak. So much that I can't really tell where it's coming from. About a quart every 50 miles. Some places that are not leaking are the head/valve cover, the oil filter and the sprocket shaft seal. After riding for any length of time everything behind and below the motor is dripping with oil. I tried running it in gear while on the center stand and got little or no dripping. The top of the motor is dry. In the process of troubleshooting a charging problem I had the shifter cover and the stator covers off. The gaskets were intact and appear to have been put on dry with no sealer. I reinstalled them using Permatex hi-tack sealer on both sides of the gaskets and the gasket surfaces. I did do a search but didn't find anything similar to my problem. If I do need new gaskets where should I get them? Will the Honda dealer have them?
This is not a car.
It is normal on motorcycle to put on a paper gasket with no sealer.
Gaskacinch is the normal motorcycle sealer for engine cases.
There are copies like "Honda bond" or "Yamabond" but just get the real deal. GASKACINCH.
Read your manual. Many times the manual will show a letter or note telling you to not put sealer on that gasket.
Often Vasolene is applied to ONE side of the gasket to make it easier to remove later.
Now someone....maybe you is going to have to remove all that Permatex to get a clean surface and you will have to buy a NEW gasket.
Then if you gouge up the sealing surface with the wrong tool, the surface WILL need goo on it. from then on.
Now about the oil leak.
Check to see if your bike had a chain oiler. If it did you can close it up.
If you clean the engine it will be easy to see where all that oil is coming from. It could be a hole in the engine case if the chain has damaged the engine case.
Many of those holes in the engine case near the front engine sprocket can be cleaned with brake cleaner . Then sanded and repaired with JB weld epoxy.
Get rid of that big #630 engine "case busting chain" and go to a #530.
When and if the engine gets rebuilt the engine case can be TIG welded.
Often the front engine sprocket seal is leaking.
Do not go to the HONDA dealer for parts.
They charge extremely high prices!! Not kidding.
Go to Bike Bandit. They have most of the parts.
There are many other suppliers now of these parts.
The dealerships do not care about your bike.