My sympathies Scott ! Persevere. I've never had this sort of issue with cars, trucks or bikes, but computers definitely !
It sort of works like this (in this case a fictional neighbour called Mr Head) :
Me : "so your PC won't boot, what have you done since it last did so"
Dick : "Well I deleted the contents of the Windows folder, reformatted the partition, and generally fcu*d about. But I need to get back all my files and photos"
Me : "Why did you not call a professional to diagnose the issue ?"
Dick : "They are so expensive"
Me : "Are your photos and files valuable ?"
Dick : "Invaluable !!!"
Me : "Have you backups, coz a rebuild is probably needed"
Dick : "Well, no"
Me : "Why did you not call me earlier, like before you fcu*ed around ?"
Dick : "Because I reckoned I'd have a go, and if that did not work you would be sure to be able to cure it. Now can I offer you a glass of wine while you fix it ?"
Me : "Sorry, I feel a case of Tourettes is about to overwhelm me. %èàè* ù$"# you, you *ù$^)ç !:;*ù$ $ù*3"
then I go home and drink a whole bottle of wine that only cost €2.50 and watch a war movie.
meddlers have a special place waiting for them.