Good photo of the bike!
For all practical purposes you have "pods" (a non stock nonrestrictive filter).
I would certainly use the 125 main jets you have already oredered but that will only help WOT. (Wide open throttle).
The needle clip on the slide needle was 3 or middle groove stock... so you will need to move the clip down one notch. Move it to the 4th groove down from the top of the needle.
I would change the idle jet to a #42.
You could try the #40 stock idle jet but I just think it could be lean and cause some hesitation when quickly opening the throttle which you don't want.
At least on this set of carbs the idle jet is threaded into the carb. Easy install.
Put the mixture screw at one turn open.
If there is any popping then Try 1-1/4 turns open.
After all of this is done sync all of the carbs idles.
Thanks! thats very helpful. I'll let you know how it works out.
Thanks for letting us know what happens. I am keeping a data base (list really),
and it has some gaps.
Many owners get info, then we never hear from them again.
OK, so it took forever to get my jets in the mail and I decided to move the needles to the 2nd from the bottom clip position and test it with the stock 120 mains, It went from slightly lean to too rich. That had me a little confused why, I even tried taking the baffle out of my pipe. So when the 125's finally arrived the other night I was just comparing them to the 120's and I dont know if its just the fact that they are darker in color, but the 120's seem to have a larger if not same size hole? I started to think maybe someone had drilled them out at some point. I ended up putting the needle clip back it position 3 and installing the 125s but ran out of time. I'll try riding it saturday and see how it goes.
You cannot SEE .005 thousandths. You would need some way to measure that.
Remember that the main jet is not going to affect 1/4-3/4 throttle very much at all .
If it has hesitation when giving it quick throttle then you need to deal with the slide needle. With pods and aftermarket exhaust you cannot expect the midrange to be rich enough unless you make an adjustment.
Forget about plugs or plug chops right now.
Just get it to run right. No popping on decell, and no hesitation on giving it quick throttle.
Get that part right first,.. before worrying about plug color.