So last night we got the bike home safe and sound, about a three hour drive each way from southern NH to Addison County VT, a very pretty drive in the daylight, once the rain/fog/night hit the charm was all in having the bike on the trailer behind us!

The bike seems to be in reasonably O.K shape, it's previous owner had tried to make a cafe out of it with not a lot of... results.
The good news is the engine seems free, the electrics -what of them are still hooked up- seem to work fine, and several of those missing items came home with me in a box, so that's a start!
So what's the plan now?
Well, I have a lot of my plate outside of the project, and the budget is so tight it squeaks, but, I'll start with the usual list making, research and then careful disassembly, inspection, cleaning, prep and sorting. I'll have to decide then what I'm restoring or replacing.
My goal is something of a resto-mod, how much resto and how much mod will depend on a lot of things, so it's not set in stone yet.
I'll keep posting pictures and videos along the way as much as I can, and I am always open to advice, insight and suggestions.