The finniest thing about this thread is how hot tempered some of the die hard Honda guys get. The say stuff like;
"This bike is the best bike ever made. It had nothing that could be improved. It was the fastest, lightest, most agile, best at going slow, compact, large, long distance, commuter, least expensive, magic, super, foldable, waterproof, bullet proof, laser beam proof, blah, blah blah EVER MADE!!!!"
Was it the best "overall" bike of the time, based on price, reliability, power and comfort? Yes it was. Did it change the motorcycling world? Yes it did. Was it perfect? No it was not. After that last statement I will need to seek witness protection.
Some of the purists seem to think its sacrilegious to suggest that there was any way this bike could have been made better. Are they telling us that if Honda had a large potential customer base for a bike that cost $5000 (in 1969) that Honda could not have found ways to make this bike better with the extra budget? that is horsesh!t.
This post was just trying to make your imagination work. A "what if" scenario. In Sophies choice she had to chose between her mothers life and her daughters life. A tough choice for anyone but here's the thing Honda Purists of the World, it was a MOVIE. It was not real. This thread is a fictitious scenario. Its not real. So relax, take a breath and enjoy your bikes. No one is telling you that they are not awesome.
We all have them because we are fans.