I have a CB550 gas tank in very nice condition, except for one dent...
Is there a specialist who can remove the dent with minimal damage/repair [like welding a patch back over an access hole]?
Is there a 'How To' on doing it yourself?
A story...Many years ago, I got a gas tank for a Norton which had a small dent...I had the bright idea of stoppering all holes, installing a Schrader valve [tire valve] in the gas filler plug, and putting about 3-5 psi compressed air in the tank...And then heating the dent with a torch to pop the dent out...
Big mistake...No, no explosion (no gas fumes), but the superheated air billowed the sides of the tank outward like a set of waterwings...Ruined the tank...

So that doesn't work...

I'm not a body man, and I doubt my ability to weld sheet metal as thin as a gas tank bottom...And I don't have the body dollies to hammer the dent out anyway...
I do have one other tank...But that CB500 tank has three dents in it...

I've been watching these guys on cable TV "American Restorations", and I know it's possible...I just don't know how...(Or who)... :|