hi.. I'd like to be able to help if I can..am experiencing very similar problems..the half inch thing made me take note. half inch is almost exactly 13mm which is the difference between the width of a 76 and earlier cb wheel assembly and the k7 (77+) assembly. Your swing arm from the shape of the axle bosses looks to be pre 77..easiest way to check is if they are 12 mm thick they are, if they are 10mm thick they are 77+. So if that checks off it has to be in the assembly..Your sprocket carrier has the little strengthening 'webs' in the casting..that checks with a pre-77 cb too..these dont have them and the sprocket in them is offset more to the engine side of the bike..so yours looks to be right. The shape of the wheel spacer on the brake side is the right 'cotton reel' type shape (28 mm long?)..so that looks good too. I notice on the sprocket side pic..the is very little clearance between the sprocket carrier and swing arm axle boss. I measured the spacer that goes there for you..it should be 18mm long (assuming mine is correct). If that checks too, Im thinking we may have the same problem..1) -the centre spacer inside the hub that goes between the two wheel bearings. I only have one for a known 77 model..it measures 81.5 mm long..its slightly mushroomed so I'm guessing it should be 82. I know it's a downer pulling new bearings out of a finished assembly but it would be worth checking..if you have verniers you could use the depth gauge function in the axle hole and subtract 30mm for the bearings..you still have to take the aluminium bearing cap out though..this will give you the length. I have read somewhere there are different lengths of these spacers for the two models. 2)- was by any chance, the rim you took off the wheel 17 inch? If it was, there's a strong possibility that it was a k7 wheel. The difference between the two outer spacers of either model, is exactly 13 mm (half inch) which makes me suspect the hubs are different though everyone tells me they are the same (no one has given me measurements to back that up though)..could be the smoking gun. I've also been told the wheels aren't centred in the different bikes..this just doesn't sound right to me..hope this is of some help..would be very interested to know how you get on.