I'd like to thank everybody on the SOHC forums for everything. I can't thank my beautiful and patient wife enough for putting up with all the mess I had laying out all over our living room and several other sacrifices she's made for me. Special thanks to these great individuals below in no particular order. It was with all your help that I managed to convert horse$hit into ice cream

Also the incredibly talented
Laura Peters/ www.funnychord.com for these amazing pix.
Mark Paris/Hondaman Patient and elaborate answers to my rage inducing noob questions throughout the build, and still ongoing. Gave my charging coils a new life, updates to my new wiring harness and a total rebuild of the swingarm.
Gordon East/RRRToolsolutions/ilbikesRescued the frame early on with a special frame kit, loaned me several tools, ordered special tools for me that RRR doesn't usually stock, several phone calls and texts walking me through stuff.
Bill Benton/RacingWay too many like new parts and some NOS ones to list, all at generous prices, lots of helpful tips before I got into things, several phone calls and texts walking me through stuff.
Dave/DaveZPointed me in the right direction with the VIN plate stuff, lots of helpful tips before I got into things, several phone calls and texts walking me through stuff.
Nick/Tews19Tons of good advice early on, stopped me from making snap purchases, traded the K2 correct master cylinder for my build.
Marc/PowdermanSo far mine's the only set of controls (that I know) which have powder coated lettering! Also coated my master cylinder to match. Helped me track down a good powder coat shop locally and quiz them before assigning work.
Jerry HJerry's K2 is what mine's modeled after, he helped me with two full sets of gauges, painted the outer housings and installed those tough crimp rings! Lots of tips and phone calls walking me through stuff.
KC/KC_NorthstarGave me pointers on early K2 subtleties, sold me the K2 correct gagues, controls, seat (not used on the bike) and the turn buzzer.
Ron/McRiderExpert advice, loaned me the oil pressure gauge and helped immensely with the master cylinder issues. Unparalleled inspiration for attention to detail down to tiny bits. Incredibly detailed documentation in the Phaedrus logs that I referred to often, saving me tons of new threads and all the other experts their time
Terry/in AustraliaExpert advice, much needed motivation and inspiration early on in the build, also resposnible for me wanting to own a second 750 to model after his K2's awesome dark engine.
Mike/MRieckGenerous porting work for the price, gave me EXACTLY what I wanted and more, the man truly treats every piece he works on as his own! Several pointers on proper assembly and other tips.
Stev-OGenerous and quick trades on short notice, got the later year shift drum and the critical clutch basket washer from him in trade for 750 and Z1 bits.
ElanStarted making the infamous oil stoppers just as I tore into my engine, oil pump works like new thanks to the super rebuild kit!
GodffreySold me a set of immaculate oil pump rotors and end caps.
Chris/KickstartShared invaluable info related to widening the grooves on SKF bearings, his side by side pic comparing the stockers to the SKFs is the only reason the machine shop even took the job!
Joe/FrankenFrankenStuffFranken Finserts!
Frank/754Sold me a NOS cam at a very generous price.
James/HarisuluvGave away those pesky 1mm cotter pins for the choke linkage, several pointers on the carb rebuilding.
Ryan/73NancyGave me detailed instructions on exactly how to achieve the look I was after with the polishing bits, shared invaluable trade secrets!
JohnieGave me some polishing and keep up tips.
The Other Derek Sent me rivets for the VIN installation and a dash label plate (for my K3) for free!
Cal/CaljGeneral advice, much needed scolding every now and then
Sean/SeanbarneyGeneral advice, help early on and sold me the rare early K2 dash with the anodizing intact.
Prokop/70CB750Loaned me his neway valve seat cutters early on, didn't end up using them out of fear, but I appreciate the gesture.
R. Benjamin Drove for over an hour to pick up and ship a set of HM341s that I had tracked down in Virginia via craig's list to me. Despite my sincerest efforts, one of the mufflers couldn't be saved, so the set didn't end up on this bike. But I'm grateful for the gesture.
Charlie/OldhattHelped me past a goof up when lacing up the wheels.
Marcel/LeCram/CB750Faces.comAll new parts for my gauges came from Marcel, gave me pointers on proper assembly (which Jerry eneded up helping with), even helped me out with my K3's custom gauges.
John/jtbSent me 2 of those pesky little buggers that are the gauge face screws.
Gold dude/goldarrowSold me 1-2 those pesky little gauge face screws.
Kyle/ChewbaccaSold me a spare tach when my first one took a beating on its ride home.
Ed Haeuser/edhaeuserSold me a ground down socket, made installing the connecting rod bolts a breeze!
Dave/02z06daveSold me the pristine front brake caliper assembly.
Tom GugliottaExcellent article on DIY zinc plating, detailed answers to several of my plating related questions via email, also shared the chromate conversion article (unpublished).
Joe Marks/jtmarks77 on ebayMore than 85% of the bike is NOS and yamiya stuff, all came via JT.
Len from WeldcoWelded the frame kit in place.
Lou from Motion IndustriesHelped me with finding all the SKF bearings I needed for the entire bike.
Jack and Dan from Midwest Accurate GrindingWidedend the grooves on the SKF bearings, removed the oil pump metal band seal, blanchard ground the front brake rotor.
Bill from VanSenusBead blasting, engine bore for first oversize pistons with proper clearance, transmissoin bearing removal and a lot of other shop work.
Bob from Coating SpecialtiesWas patient enough to answer all my questions and didn't kick me out for questioning how he does his job. Excellent work at a generous price.
Mike from Calco PlatingDid all the rechroming on the bike, from the large fenders down to washers.
Mike W from workHelped me put the cases back together.
Jason H from down the streetHelped me put the top end together.
Big Dave and Kevin from Trust Auto Repair shopHelped me wrestle the engine in and out of the frame.
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